Good news for Bradford & Yorkshire on the award of designated City of Culture 2025. Had a positive impact on Hull when they got it. Always had a soft spot for Bradford, even though we always got bricked at away games back in the 70's. Commiserations to Armagh, would have been good for them too!
I’m so pleased they won! I can’t believe they’ve not got it before. I saw a statistic that Bradford is one of the UK’s youngest cities with a quarter of the population being under 16. It’s always a big thing in schools every year with them putting together ideas for a bid and the mayor goes around loads of schools who put on a mini festival and present their ideas. This will mean so much to so many people, it’s not something that has just been plucked out of the air with no interest.
My granddaughter starts at the university this year and it is most impressive. I had no idea ! Congratulations Bradford. Don’t like the access to your football ground though
It was genuine sheer joy on the peoples faces when it was announced, a bit like me when we score against dee-dars!
Unfortunately, my bus from Leeds bus station terminates in Bradford and I manage to fall asleep and wake up there most weekends.
Good for Bradford but the cynic in me says it's a Tory crumb from the Law-Breaker's table of lies that's left them with the worst railway services of any comparable city in Western Europe.
Well done, Bradford! Ignore any snide comments - Liverpool got similar comments back in 2008! It was a great success and brought fantastic publicity to the City.