For people who have renewed during the last extension to the early bird they've sensibly extended the deadline for using the £8 discount to 6th June. Got my code this morning too.
How are 'latecomers' getting preferential treatment? Anyone with a code can buy a shirt up to 6th June - all have paid the requisite fee for their renewal in the periods designated by the club. The six day extension enables the club to get codes today to people who have renewed in the last couple of days of the early bird and gives those people a short window to decide if they want to take advantage of the offer, or not. Do you class people who were denied renewing because of the failure to provide the promised instalment plans latecomers btw?
Now we have got rid of them after 40 odd years of teaching metric measures in school we can go back to imperial measures for us oldies. I remember "a litre of water is a pint and three quarters".
Well mine ran out yesterday and I was not provided with an extension, so your treatment was different to mine . Hence, the word preferential .
There’s some bitter sods on here. The extended royal family apart, the queen has in my opinion done a great job. I’m not going to begrudge her “luck” for being born into it. She has lived pretty much all her life doing what is expected, and beyond. I’ll be raising a glass to toast the old lass. As for selling off their buildings, etc… we don’t actually own them you know? I don’t understand this whole jealous whinging if someone has been born into, or done better than you! Talking to a twenty something about my grandad being lucky that he could afford and buy his own house made my pish boil. Yes he was lucky that he was able to work long shifts down the mine on his knees breathing in coal dust, and putting massive strain on his health. How unlucky you must feel on your 4 day compressed week, working from home in your comfy chair. Where you could buy your own home if you didn’t spend money like it was going out of fashion. And don’t get me started about the holidays…. Anyway I digress, I’ll be vilified on here for saying it, as the moan brigade will no doubt be up in arms that I should want to celebrate the queens jubilee. And will be having a street party. Get out in the sunshine and enjoy the company if your neighbours…. Or don’t it’s up to you.
Not many flags about in tarn areas is they? Ah well. Bet she and her family dont need to worry about keeping warm in the winter.
Great gesture from the Republic of France and President Macron. The gift of a prized ceremonial horse to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee, a magnificent Grey I believe.
Completely indifferent about it. Not for me, but know there's plenty that get pleasure from having a royal family. Happy for them to crack on, but we shouldn't be spending all that brass on the Jubilee with the state of the economy and folk going without food. If HM had 'owt about her, she'd have told them to scale it back a bit.