Now fèck off and rot you evil bitch 15 million dollars awarded to Johnny Depp after it is found that amber Heard has been lying through her teeth and falsely accusing him of sexual assault.
She's falsified evidence so she could falsely accuse a man of sexual assault and attempted to ruin his life. She is an evil bitch and deserves to be locked up and left to rot till she dies.
Clear to me that they’re both horrible human beings who need serious mental help. I am pleased that liars haven’t been rewarded, but doubt they’ll be punished.
Surely she won't gey offered work anymore like movie roles or endorsements. This should be the end of her fame.
that’s a very bad take. Only one horrible human being in this case. The other has had decades in the public eye and he has maintained life long friendships, is spoken well of by colleagues, ex partners, his children. He always has time for fans, well known for going out of his way in visiting hospitals, spending times with kids etc. likes the booze and has at times struggling with drug addiction which seems to have worsened during a period of his life when he was emotionally, mentally and physically abused by someone who is on tape mocking him, threatening him, belittling him, admitting to attacking him etc the guy deserves some time to heal from this evil woman
Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear, all the problems you listed above are the reasons I think Depp should be or should have been in Therapy long before he found himself in a place where a manipulative shrew could marry him. They both need to do a lot of work on themselves to find themselves in the best place to move forward.
Perhaps not till she dies but she deserves a long stint inside for such awful false claims and going to the extreme length of falsifying so much evidence
A few key points of it is that she accused him of assaulting her both violently and sexually. She wrote an article in a newspaper in America littered with false allegations which the court found were done deliberately to ruin his reputation She called police after one of these alleged offences and when police came they found the house spotless (and Johnny Depp wasn't there), after the police left she turned the house upside down and threw wine everywhere then called them back. Police testified it was a falsified crime scene. She photoshopped a load of photos to create false injuries. Used them in court to prove he was a wife beater. Was proven that they were digitally edited. She assaulted HIM and cut off the end of his finger. She lied basically every day under oath. One of the most horrible human beings and she's done so much harm to women who really are victims by lying about it in such an obscene way.
Why do you think he, a victim of domestic abuse, is an horrible human being? If it was a man making false allegations against a woman and assaulting her I doubt you'd be victim blaming her