which is the problem. as soon as you're proven to have lied about something, everything else gets assumed to be a possible lie. my comments are less about amber heard's actions, and more about other people's responses. they're responsible for those responses and the words they choose to use. no one else. the whole thing is massively damaging to abuse victims.
Not at all. I just don't get why you've labelled her the lost evil person in the world who should be locked up and the key thrown away. If you'd have just posted you were glad justice has been done and she deserved the fine she got then I wouldn't have disagreed with you.
Helen, you are so clearly and fairly an advocate for female domestic abuse survivors. But when you have a woman here who has been proven unequivocally to have lied about being a victim of abuse, and who has been shown herself to be a domestic abuser, having inflicted injuries on Depp on multiple occasions; I find it hard to have any sympathy for her and have no words to defend her whatsoever. The language possibly and certainly tone used to question you above is perhaps a little extreme. But I actually agree with the sentiment in one of the questions. If it was the other way round, a male proven to have lied, and shown to have inflicted injuries on the woman; would you be victim blaming the woman if she had fell back into addiction and shown signs of mental vulnerability during the suffering of the traumatic time - including loss of reputation and work, in the same way as you have castigated Depp? You are a valued and balanced poster. But I believe the answer to my question is no, you wouldn’t. So in this regard I find your response on this quite hypocritical. Domestic abuse is abhorrent - whoever the perpetrator or victim. Lying about it is arguably as bad. Victim blaming just as much so.
She’d be alive, in prison. Which is incidentally where you’d be happy for your innocent son to be but not someone who clearly committed perjury. ST didn’t say he wants her to die… he said he wants her to rot away in prison. Rotting takes a long time, clearly showing that he wants her to live out her normal time frame - but be behind bars. I’m not sure I agree that she should get life (and as extreme as her actual full life too) but I think you’ve got confused that he’s saying she deserves to die.
No, my comments relate to the 3 women who die every week due to domestic violence. I merely said in another discussion we had about rape, that if the trade off was some innocent men being falsely accused but more rape victims getting justice, then yes I would accept that. And then obviously we got onto even your son .
but isn't the argument that lying about it could potentially create an even worse situation for abuse victims? not sure how lying about being abused can have any positive outcome.
She abused Johnny Depp. She severed his finger. And false accusations very much destroy lives just like domestic abuse does.
I think there’s quite a few strong views on this thread about a very serious subject. Can we just agree that domestic violence and/or lying about it is an absolute stain on society and that’s it?
If what the psychologists have said are correct and she does have a personality disorder, I would not be surprised if she takes her own life sooner rather than later. There is a chance she will now take the "I'll show you" mindset and if she is hellbent on destroying Depp's image this could be a last ditch attempt. Obviously hope I'm wrong. My take- both clearly have problems. From what I have seen of the trial, however, I am glad she has been held to account for this. The damage she has done to true victims of abuse will be enormous, and that is really sad.
Expand on why you think this. I’ll do the same. By lying about being a victim of abuse, Amber Heard in this example has made it even more difficult for genuine victims, sorry, survivors, to come and speak out. And evil perpetrators of such things have something to hide behind every time someone in a previous case lies about it. They just say the accuser is lying. Heard’s self-centred story telling has dragged a man with clear vulnerabilities through the hedge backwards, and anyone who told similar lies would do the same. Another example. Any person who stands up in court or even a police interview room and lies about being sexually assaulted or raped; anyone who makes it up. They are contributing to the horrendous statistic of how many successful convictions there are on reported rapes. Less than 2% of reports were even charged the other year in England and Wales. Of the ones that went to court only about 50% were convicted. Less than one in a hundred reported rapes lead to conviction; and it is estimated that possibly as few as only one in three rapes at best are even reported in the first place. That is horrendous. Explain to me how people lying don’t contribute to this abomination, and advise me how you don’t think these lies contribute to an environment where abusers think they will get away with it. Lying is as bad. It is enabling abuse to continue.
Like some I've not seen much of this fiasco The bits that I have seen as brought me to the conclusion that neither one of them as come out of this with their reputations intact despite JD winning the trial Talk about hanging you dirty washing in public...unbelievable Jeff Whats that old saying ...Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
She won't be able to afford to pay the fifteen million Depp is getting. She's going to have to have a word with her friend with benefits Elon Musk again.
Having seen the bits of footage of this trial my own take on it suggests that Amber Heard has a narcissistic like personality.
No, what's allowing abuse to continue is minimising it and blaming women not getting justice in court on the very small minority who lie.