...I remember as a small boy watching the changing of the guard at Buck house and the rehearsals for Trooping the colour and the thought struck me... These events and parades are strictly ceremonial and therefore unlike the military 'tub thumping', 'ooh look how big and impressive our army is' ' such as you see in Moscow and North Korea. Therefore, since these dress uniforms have remained unchanged for decades. e.g. red tunics, bearskin nats, shiny black boots etc. I find the modern guns (SA-80) issued and used in these events incongruous and look out of place. It would look far better (bearing in mind these events are mainly touristy spectacles) if on these occasions they used the old rifles (Lee-Enfields?) with bayonets attached which look far more impressive when shouldered whilst marching. I know some will respond with 'who gives sh*t) but I find the mix of old and new 'jarring' Anyway, happy holiday to you all both Royalists or anti Royalists . Enjoy the long weekend. Happily for those of us in Italy we will manage to avoid the media excess coverage and 'fawning'
Funny you should say that because I was watching a video of it and that's what I thought. The guns and uniforms didn't seem to match. I didn't really realise why though till you said this
I suppose they are still the guards though and as such need modern weapons? Not sure why during the ceremonial stuff though.
Spends a awful lot of time on here telling everyone how great it is to be "free" from the UK. Seems to spend more time thinking about what's going on here than the people who live here. Strange for someone who's glad to have left it all behind.
I am pretty sure it is not the first time you have highlighted it. It was relevant in this context so what is your beef?
Where did I promote Italy in the post? Seems you have a fixation with my postings from Italy. Viewing from afar also offers a different perspective for those who are not trying to score personal points.
If I lived in Italy I’d be telling everyone that would listen on a regular basis too….tho to be fair to Tekkytyke it’s not something I’ve picked up on,
I remember the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Christopher Robin went down with Alice. ...... says Alice.
I like the juxtaposition of old and new, the reminder these are active troops, not just reenactors. Units with legacies going back to Waterloo and beyond.