Your impression is wrong Marc.. just calling it as I see it. If his new coach appointment is successful (whether I agree with it or not) then that is what he'll judged on. I truly hope it is, for everyone's sake. But in my eyes the way he's conducted the search for said coach as been poor
Really? I'd argue the rebuilding job would be easier in league 1 than it would in the championship. We're an above average sized fish in a small pond now, rather than being a goldfish in the ocean in the Championship. There's also the possibility that Warnock doesn't get us promoted, and again, we're after a new manager this time next year.
There seems to be this misconception though that appointing Neil Warnock guarantees promotion. It doesn't.
My main worry is that if Duff is successful, then we won't see him see out a 4 year deal, or even the first year of it. But I guess you run that risk regardless. Appointing an up and coming manager with a few years experience, who's stock is on the rise does offer us the best chance of success in my opinion. I honestly think we're more likely to challenge for promotion under Duff, than we are Warnock.
Can anyone give a direct quote/link. re Warnock. Because the only thing I seem to remember, is him saying in an interview, was, that he was never approached. Which doesn't mean, he applied.
To get fans back on side immediately, Warnock would be the ideal appointment. But if we're winning football matches, I don't think it matters who the manager is, the fans will come back. It might take a bit longer with someone who isn't a known name, but if we're doing well, people will return. Based on the news of early bird season ticket sales, I still think we'll average over 9000 this season anyway, which isn't a bad effort considering what's been going off.
The article I read, read to me as he wasn’t on the final 5. It said they had spoke and would speak again and others could be add to the final names, which I read to mean he isn’t in final 5. The cynic in me says it’s just name dropping. El-Ahmad told the Chronicle: “I reached out to Neil and I will be speaking to him again. We haven’t got that far with him. There could be more names added to the final list.” My reading of it and cynicism could be wrong though.
I'd be happy with Duff. The thing is we don't really know what sort of season we're facing next season. Some are adamant we will have the budget to assemble a squad to challenge. Neerav Parekh was pretty clear that we have financial challenges. If we do and next season is one of survival then we need a manager who can get the very most out of limited resources. I think Warnock is someone who could do that. Too early to tell. Khaled presumably knows better than we do how we're going to be positioned going into next season.
Warnock obsession? He's fairly credibly been linked with the job last season in terms of him being interested. He's supposedly been approached this time. He has an astounding record of success in English football. He's one of the very, very few names that you could be fairly sure he'd be a success rather than a gamble. I'm not saying he's my number one choice but the link seems to be realistic and it's hardly obsession to suggest he could be a good pick.
I'm on about warnock showing interest in the past and the club turning him down. I don't think he's ever applied for the role as some seem to think. ( eg why would he take the job after being turned down twice)
He was quoted as saying he was waiting for the call last season and how he would have fancied coming in to keep us up. Live on TalkSport I believe.
I get that and that's probably what I saw. Does waiting for a call mean an approach to be made. ( as has has happened to him on occasion. clubs desperate to get out of trouble.) Or did he apply. And not get a response. ?
I think supporters look at it as us choosing not to approach him when he was free after Schopp was sacked. The way I see it, saying after the event you were free to take the call, doesn't mean it was realistic you would take the job. Easy message to send but much harder to genuinely materialise.
That's what I thought. But wasn't that was after poya came.? Were they aware after he left boro. If so I also think in the past he's said he wouldn't discuss a managers position whilst still in charge. I'd have him btw. This Is not a knocking post
I' them both. He's as hateful a blade as there is but you cannot argue with Warnocks track record. In League 1 his style and methods would get the job done, 100% commitment from the players and no bulls*it to the fans. Ramsey looks a credible understudy, O think we need to clear out the Academy management team, sorry but Devaney and Co have done nothing of note to inspire, we need our Academy to produce more than they have and Ramsey would be a good option and no.2 for Warnock.