Great piece in the Chronicle. Re how it came about. Nareev ready to call it a day. And subseqent change of mind due to Danes comment (If some one can provide Ia link it's an eye opening article). It was Dane Murphys passing comment that set balls rolling. Straight after Conway's 4yrs as nominated representative. For those that wanted answers in the here and now. Maybe this gives you a better insight as to how things progressed and the timescale. Also how Lee and Conway were informed about the changes at boardroom level. To date Neither have responded. Can’t find the Dane Murphy quote, but as repeated on here a view times, having his Visa just expire was a significant moment in what we’ve witnessed thus far this Summer.
That link just goes over what was said at the forum the other night there’s nothing in that at all regarding what @Hooky feller mentioned above. Maybe it’s only available in the actual paper?
Was saying this is the only Doug O’Kane article I can find but it has NO mention of the Dane quote. Still struggling to find it…..
No mate basically It appeared it was not common knowledge to the rest of the board bar maybe lee. That he was not the holder of 20% shares but the nominee to represent. The club on a 4yr basis. which run out last November But Dane made a passing comment not a quote to anyone specific ( Nareev said it was overheard) before leaving. which then led to an investigation by Neerav etc. And that's when they started to act. Cos they didn't agree to the way Conway altered the strategy. And against the signings he made He (nareev) also said Beane and James C were great to work with as their methods worked He (Nareev) then bought Beanes shares to take him to 20%. It really is worth buying the Chronicle. To read the full story. (I know some refused to buy it on back of the political advert. A bad mistake on their part. Getting paid for the advert probably as cost em more in sales since)
Inside back page of the Chron. Sizeable article . It Seems most of you lot on here are too tight to part with a quid.
You may be right I hated UKIP as much as the Tories. But I still buy it as it may keep people in a job. And like to read the local news. Whoever made the decision was the culprit not the employees. (Should we blame the staff at Barnsley fc for Conway) Although angry I just left the adverts on the paper stand.
You're right, of course every member of staff weren't to blame but nobody did blame them. If I was to spend my money buying things I don't want or agree with so that the employees of the company don't go hungry I'd take up smoking so that the factory workers have a job.
I never said anybody blamed em. Only the person who was to blame is the one that made the decision. Yet those that provide me with the local news are the ones I support. You may not agree. ok. As for cigarettes, not a good comparison. You buy, or don't buy for the sake of your health. I don't buy expensive cars to keep people in a job. I buy what fills my needs. A clapped out peugeot.