Actually Andy he wasn't a carpenter but a "man of the craft" Which was translated/watered down to carpenter. Probably to prevent the plebs asking or even thinking about what "the craft" may be. Here endeth the lesson..
Used to live on Park road. Batter is (was) a little thick IMO but there any criticism stops. Generous portions and fish bits are great value. Once went in for them and he accidentally broke a fish portion when serving someone in front of me. When I ordered fish bits he put both halves plus more bits to make up the number ordered. It worked out miles cheaper than a single fish! Advantage for me was I only had to cross the road and walk a few yards to get home so used to get them open. Stayed nice and crisp and my missus used to get the pot of tea ready , salt 'n vinegar out and warm the plates whilst I went for them.
Have to cook my own. Used to get a big pack commercial pack of beef tallow sent to cook them in (stored most in the freezer to top-up the fryer when needed). IMO frying F&C in beef dripping is the ONLY way to get the authentic flavour and it is not as unhealthy as some think since beef tallow has a high temperature smoking point compared to vegetable oils as well as less problems with trans fatty acids after a few fryings. Whilst good Icelandic cod is easy to get here the problem now is importing tallow into the EU it is banned as are all meat and dairy produce even though much of it is imported from places like the Netherlands in the first place! The cost of now having it sent from Netherlands is high as well as relying on the couriers for fast delivery (in cold winter weather!) I also suspect with the huge increase and scarcity of Sunflower and other veggie oils many places may well turn back to frying using Beef tallow which will push prices up!
Not personally a fan of gravy on chips but understand folk who are, But those who put gravy on fish should be publicly flogged,,,