In departure lounge at Almeria airport for flight back to Manchester. Coming back to this shithole run country following a great 10 days of sunshine. Ah well, off to boarding gate
Could be worse. You could be peed on. Hope you had a great holiday. If it makes you feel any better it's due to piss it down all day tomorrow
Why not emigrate then buddy if this is such a shithole, personally I think we are very lucky people to be born into such a great nation & you only have to look at this weekends celebrations to qualify what I am saying ,
Obviously you’re coming back from the best run country in the world…. Get a grip, at least you’ve had the privilege to go on holiday!
This weekend’s celebrations, for some of us, indicates a lot about what’s wrong with this country. The establishment reinforcing their privileges, and a proportion of the population blindly going along with it.
No body makes people wave the flags for the Jubilee, its THEIR choice ,go live in certain other countries, can't be that bad there's plenty wanting to come in.
I didn't say they are made to do it did I? This country certainly has a lot going for it, although I do worry about educational standards One of its best attributes is the right to freedom of speech (at the moment anyway), and I'm not sure that exercising that freedom by questioning the validity of inherited power and privilege should warrant being told to go and live in another country. Seems a bit fascist to me.
And for others it shows the great communities that we live in can come together. Two sides to every coin.
Perhaps so. But what is actually OK about this country, in my opinion, is that we can agree to disagree. You clearly love the country and its royalty, whilst I love some of the the country's values and institutions, but seriously question the bestowing of power and privilege as an accident of birth; and the sycophancy surrounding and reinforcing it. Personally, I make it a rule not to abuse (verbally or otherwise) those who take a different viewpoint to mine. Perhaps if we could all do so then there would be more 'coming together'.
Absolutely, opinions are just that. I think the word love for the royalty is a bit strong. And understand your dislike of the privilege on birth. However, there aren’t many countries that have the social mobility of ours… and I know it’s not the greatest before you say. But the opportunities are there. Neither do I take to verbally abusing others so we’re all good.
Haha! Well done for coming back from one of the most racist countries in the world. A place where the best idea of countering their weekly school shootings is to supply more guns. Their record on climate change is only beaten by China… But of course you love that more. Although I did feel a similar thing after a recent trip to Scotland.….
Where do you think Almeria is? Unless the worlds media have been covering up hundreds of school shootings in Spain, you might have made a proper howler
I do not buy or read any newspaper , last one I bought was the chronicle & I sacked that off when Keith Lodge finished , anyway back to your point, why is it a good read as I presume you must read it ?