Look at you with your pity post. I didn’t realise this was your personal mood board. But If you don’t expect replies, don’t post pathetic things.
Fekin idiot, where did I say I didn’t expect replies. Also, do you often reply to posts that you see as pathetic? According to you then Anyone who posts how they’re seeing the world or feeling are being pathetic.
Another hissy fit? Calm down, thaz supposed to have been on holiday. Living your life via the social media? Stick to Twitter for future self pity posts. Don’t get surprised if someone responds on here. And no need to name call.
S Sometimes there just is. Don’t do and never have done Twitter. I’m not at all surprised at any response on here, doesn’t mean to say I have to accept what’s being said especially when it is so wrong. I’ve not had a supposed holiday, I’ve had an actual holiday. Oh, I’m not angry and I don’t need to be to call someone an idiot, I can do that in a calm manner. Now why don’t go away and read some Tory rag to get a ‘Boris is good’ better feeling
Well you don’t type like a calm person. Maybe it’s because we didn’t all sympathise with your horrific first world problem. Maybe you could start a new peed off thread with. “Cheek of some other person disagreeing with me, so they’re an idiot.”
But you didn’t just disagree did you, you tried making out my post was something that it wasn’t and according to you it was a ‘pity post’ and now you’re exaggerating all out of proportion a post that I made about how I felt as I sat in an airport departure lounge on my return home. There are many posts and threads I read on here that don’t interest me, and others that I simply don’t respond to. I think that had I posted something like I’m peed off because I’m returning to the lousy British weather, I wouldn’t have got a response from you or Red CB, but because I criticised your beloved Tories, then it was worth a response.
No, it was actually because of your derogatory tone about the country. Nothing to do with with Tories at all. But that spoils the pity, bitterness and anger you want to spout. Give yourself a pat on the back for jumping to conclusions though. Maybe when you get over the gloom of getting back to glorious Yorkshire, you’ll see how daft the post was.
Yes it was and you know it. The only daft thing about my post is a few of the responses mainly yours. I stand by what I said about returning to a shithole run country. Your thinly-veiled comments are trying to hide the fact that it is everything to do with criticisms of your beloved Tories cuts no ice with me. You have deliberately jumped to the wrong conclusion, Yes I have bitterness and anger about this Govt, So has the majority of political posts on this board, but the o/p was not made in anger at all, it is simply a true comment that many people would agree with, that it is a shithole run country.
Chiming in on that... The problem with the 'glorious Yorkshire' bit ...it's like being sat in a luxury limo whilst stuck in a huge jam surrounded by lorries billowing exhaust fumes! Yorkshire (like several other parts of the UK) are great but the problem is they are located in the UK.
Most of the UK is great. I’d say it’s more like the couple of pixels on a tv that aren’t working. Focus on the good and it far outweighs the bad.
So, the post was to start an argument…. Gotcha. But you’ve got the wrong person. you know nothing about me or my thoughts. I don’t do thinly veiled comments. I say what I feel like saying. Maybe consider what you post if you don’t want people disagreeing. Get a grip.
Start a list- what’s great exactly? In every single way imaginable this country has massively deteriorated over the last 15 years now there might be some things that haven’t yet deteriorated to the point of decimation, but the trajectory is measurably in that direction.
Gotcha my arse, my post was about the ‘downer’ of returning from a holiday abroad coupled with a country that’s being run by a shithole govt. You’ve just demonstrated what I’ve said about you and your thinly- veiled defence of the Tories. I have a grip, a grip on reality and realisation what this shower of a govt are doing to this country. Focus on the good eh, another Tory phrase for ignoring all the ***** that they continue to bestow upon.
Having left the UK you see things in a different perspective. It is not like getting old with someone you live with and don't notice they have got old too ( in the same way as when you meet an old friend you haven't seen for years). Each time we visit the UK ( around 4 times in the last 9 or so years) the deterioration in standards of public services is clear to see. This is reinforced by experiences of family living in UK (daughter granddaughter son in law and his family) particularly on the healthcare side. It pains me to say it but many aspects of Healthcare not to mention most aspects of for example transport infrastructure and local public services are inferior in the UK to those here. The NHS is no longer the benchmark for many nations it once was which iI would add is not the fault of those dedicated clinicians healthcare professionals and ancillary workers .
Whereabouts did you go ? I went to Mojacar in the October prior to lockdown.Really enjoyed it especially the old town.
Like someone in 1st class on the Titanic finishing a splendid meal and commenting on his brandy and cigar ignoring the fact that the floor is listing heavily and his feet are getting wet You mean THAT sort of focus on the good
One thing I’m certainly not, is your friend. Biggest strop and bairn I’ve seen in a long while. What’s up wi you? Proper want an argument with someone via the keyboard? Need a bit of backup and a shoulder rub from others on here? What next? A drama exit? Tell you what, stay miserable. Focus on all that’s bad, revel in it. Stay with the “woe be me” attitude, as you step off the plane from your lovely holiday. Just don’t expect people to feel pity for you on an open post. Do what you want in other words. Because, you are in a country where you can. You were the one who started the whole party politics ballacks. You’ll not drag me down to your name calling and bitching. I’ve said my piece for more times than I cared to already… so I’m done. Have your last moan, I won’t be responding.