Like someone on the Carpathia supposing that people were on board the titanic smoking cigars whilst their feet. We’re getting wet.
I’m presuming your list is gonna be epic the amount of thinking time you’ve had. A great starting point might be the governments list of Brexit wins. I’ll wait
Bloody hell. This started as some bloke crying cos his holiday was over and you bring it round to your favourite subject… Brexit!
Hee, hee, you again demonstrate that you really didn’t get my post or even understand my post. You say you won’t name call yet you accuse me of wallowing in pity and being miserable about a post that, at worst was a bit of a moan. The party politics is not ballacks because you commented about my return to a shithole run country. Don’t worry though you Party will not turn on Boris tonight in the vote, sel- serving ******* the lot of them