Tbf that comment was only based on the last time I saw him sing live when he was awful. Are you sure he can get through a full set now though?
For my sample size of one, but which I’m sure is far more common across the country, my grandparents have watched this all weekend. After two years of ridiculous lockdowns that’s seen their health deteriorate way more than the previous decade, seeing grandchildren through a window, and having to say goodbye to their son in a hearse outside the house as they weren’t allowed to the funeral, I’m happy this weekend has brought them so much joy. Because life is beyond rubbish right now you don’t stop everything else. Far smaller scale and not exactly apples with apples, but it’s like the criticism you get for carrying on with media content and match recaps in our worst season ever. People out there still look forward to it and want it. This weekend is harmless but is a great showcase for our country and how important we’ve been to the world culturally. What is nonsense to you isn’t nonsense to millions, and tens of millions worldwide. Watch tourism absolutely rocket on the back of this, which will only help some of the businesses and people struggling right now. Edit - my grandparents are as working class as you get. Live in Lupset, Wakefield, with my Grandad having worked for breweries and Lyon’s Bakery in his time. Known in every pub in Wakefield fondly. Back when pubs were proper pubs.
He better do! Otherwise I’ll be dividing his ‘minutes played’ by my ticket price and getting Richard Kell/Oulare stats in my JC spreadsheet.
I didn’t attack anyone watching it, never mind millions of folk. I attacked the absurdity of the events. My missus has watched the lot. She loves the monarchy. As you say, each to their own.
As if the Queen would go unpaid. Some hourly rate given all her off time when you consider last year she received pay from the taxpayer of £85.9m.
Whilst all that you’ve posted there about your family is lovely and I’m absolutely delighted that they have enjoyed the last few days of pomp and ceremony, as have millions around the commonwealth and beyond, I have to once again point out that I haven’t knocked anyone for watching the events, whether in person or via the TV. I shared my opinion. It’s a nonsense. It’s 2022. There are twice as many food banks in this country than there are McDonald’s restaurants. Energy and fuel prices are at record levels, whilst these companies report record profits. It’s a cost of living crisis that is hitting a majority of people in this country whilst the minority are profiteering. People who make and break the rules. This four day pageantry has cost UK taxpayers £28,000,000 of their money. I do not like that my taxes are going towards such events. I do not support the idea of a monarchy, it feels very out of date and out of touch. I certainly don’t like the fact that Prince Andrew was involved in a child sex trafficking scandal, so much so, that he paid £12,000,000 to settle a civil case. Where that money came from is another unsettling question. And the recent comments from the Archbishop of Canterbury preaching forgiveness appalled me. That’s my view on why I paid it no attention. If other people have enjoyed the last few days, I have absolutely no issue with that. Dunno whether to laugh or cry at the recap analogy.
I wouldn’t disagree with the majority of the sentiment given that I don’t think anybody on here is happy with how th8nhs are for so many people right now. But by calling the celebrations nonsense, not giving comment in the initial post of the joy it might bring to some, and by mentioning the issues around the country right now, there is a sense of guilt tripping indicated to those who might not agree with your opinion. Whether that was intentional or not, it’s there. This notion that when one thing is happening that’s bad, good steps can’t be made elsewhere, is one that runs rife throughout debate at the moment. That’s why good honest debate is virtually dead, because you’re hardly ever allowed to see both sides or counter opinion. That’s why the recap analogy was fairly valid as it lines up pretty similar with this discussion (just of way, way less importance).
rather outstanding that this double-a single reached number one in the singles chart, over the jubilee weekend. explicit lyrics, parental advisory etc
£28,000,000 divided by 9,200,000 (2019/20 figures on taxpayers inside the uk) = £3.04 per taxpayer Would you like your £3.04 sending across?
Or cancel the whole thing and take away all the opportunities that were presented to young people in the parade today. I’d have happily paid £10 towards this weekend given how it will boost the economy over time through tourism alone. I’d also happily pay £50 more a year in taxes to give us an additional £460m to tackle the food crisis and those in need. I thought it was an excellent showcase of our country over the decades, with inclusivity and diversity at its core, positioning us as the cultural capital of the world that we’ve often been. Some of the stories about schoolchildren being involved in creating things for the event were fantastic. And it wasn’t just opportunities for Hugo and Bartholomew.
No, but I can think of a lot more important things to spend £28,000,000 on. Particularly in the current climate.
That's not what you quoted eg 'Job' I replied in a similar fashion. Not a role I'd want. In however you word it.
I have only watched a couple of hours all weekend & that was last nights concert which I thought was excellent especially seeing the thousands of people down the Mall who thoroughly enjoyed it & what ever the cost was to stage it all will have been more than paid for by the money it generated.