Cwpan y Byd - World Cup Qatar - here we come - after 64 years Hennessey we love you! -- brilliant game!
Cymru 1 -- Wcrain 0 --- brilliant, brilliant match! to go o/t a tad - steel city Donetsk in the Ukraine founded by Welshman John Hughes (a fellow Merthyr Tydfilian) in the 19th century - he took 150 steel-workers with him. Initially the city was named Hugheskova. Sister living in Wales has a couple from Ukraine living with her - they were given 2 free tickets by the Welsh F.A. for the match. Qatar here we come. England - be afraid, be very afraid!
Ask Alexa "Alexa what is one hundred, one hundred in welsh" ? Or look up a word in a dictionary that links directly to the PM. Both the same outcome. WARNING PLEASE MAKE SURE THE KIDS and maybe anyone else easily offended ARE OUT OF EARSHOT LOL.
Ah bless ya, what a reply! You were extremely lucky. Hope Bale doesn't injure himself on the golf course before the tournament begins
RH you are right (again) - the fact he has over 100 International Caps proves that - and he fully deserved the MBE. Wasn't Hennessey brilliant !
Not tried it but surely it will be the same word twice? I can guess what the word is so maybe saying it twice is justified in this case.
In this case mate I'd run out of times I'd repeat it. But yes the word gets repeated depending on how many times you say one hundred. And I reckon most on here will recognise/know my favourite word to describe the pm.
The Welsh word for 'hundred' depends on the context it's used. 'Can,' 'Gan,' 'Gant' and 'Cant' are all Welsh words for 'Hundred' - different word being used depending on the context. My guess is that Alexa* has never heard of Welsh language mutations. The Welsh word 'Cant' (for one hundred) is pronounced exactly like 'Can't' in English. You don't have to use a Welsh word to describe a 'lovely person.' We have our own Welsh word for 'lovely person' - we simply change the second letter from 'u' to 'o.' (Not many people in Barnsley know that!) And whilst I'm still on about the Welsh language - the Welsh for 'microwave oven' is 'popty ping.' * coincidentally my brother-in-law - lives in Wales - has a pet sheep called Alexa......
So I suppose what you are saying. If alexa pronounced it correctly as can't. It'd work for cockernees as a 'lovely person.'
Yeah it is/was a shame, but it adds interest to us playing them in the World Cup this year. He's been brilliant for them but they can't keep relying on Gareth Bale forever.