We needed that wicket! 37 off 9, fair play to Notts if they win needing that And as I type this another wicket for Drakes!
Great win but could have gone either way in the end. Getting those two danger men out won the match. Maybe, just maybe, we might do something in this competition just for a change.
Great win. Wednesday will be the acid test, I guess. Watch Buttler be back for Lancs and England not let Brook play.
You know who he is now He's a all rounder so comes in further down. I looked at his stats as their T20 captain and he hasn't bowled since his first game for some reason..... https://www.espncricinfo.com/player/dan-christian-4864/matches He's 39 though so probably not fully fit. He scared us with his partnership with Mullaney. He's not one of the glamour names but if you could do a t20 fantasy league team I would pick him. I even ordered his book off Wordery after reading the first few pages that are free on Google Books https://www.google.co.uk/books/edit...dan+christian+all+rounder&printsec=frontcover
Good night all round. On tv. Yorkshire win and Fev tonk Bradford bulls. Due to an emergency re a fan. Hope they are ok btw. The second half kicked off late.
The make or break week has started well. Another couple of wins this week and we will be in a great position as we would have beaten the better teams so they don't get away from us.
The potential is always there, and as we're back up to 3rd, this might be a good season for us after all in the One day'ers.
He’s played very few white ball games and never got a 50 ( until last night ). Must be a late starter