I hope you weren't watching it in your shed, ehh mate lol. But yeah that brings back memories of watching footy and other tv on a black n whitey.
Ok lads, who remembers this Itv musical introduction, to Mexico '86 lol. This is in the day when Itv used to be as good as, or even better than the Bbc lol.
Not me , for some reason the stand out thing for me in 66 apart from the final was the flag poles and flags particularly Brazils outside Swillsborough, we used to pass it going to my uncles in Sheffield and as a 6yr old it was impressive
2002. Brilliant competition, some big upsets. Brazil were unplayable with Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and Rivaldo. England could've upset Brazil though if Eriksson would've had the balls to play something other than 442
I've loved every single World Cup since 1970. I remember getting, maybe it was in Shoot or something, a cardboard wheel with about three or four discs that you used to predict the winners. It was correct in being Brazil. A wallchart with the best player from each team. For some reason I still remember Geroghi Asparoukhov of Bulgaria. It was all so exotic. Countries I knew nothing about (I was 10), players I'd never seen or heard of. I was hooked and have been ever since. My favourite sports tournament by a country mile. I've block booked the sofa for November.
I find it fascinating that nobody has mentioned anything since 2002. Is it nostalgia? Or is it because England have been garbage in them mostly? One of my earliest football memories is David Platt against Belgium - so I'd say Italia 90. Although I have fond memories of USA 94 as I would have been 12 and a complete football nut - even though looking back it was a terrible tournament. Apart from Romario - he was the dogs.
Italia 90 for me too though it was a disappointing final, though some of the goals at Mexico 86 were outrageous given some of the games being at altitude. Not really watched a tournament of late given the cheating and corruption, Qatar will be another blackout in this household.
One of my earliest football memories is David Platt against Belgium -.[/QUOTE] I was there that night, poor game overall but will always be remembered for that goal The night before in Rimini was a little scary to say the least
Qatar 2022 The first I remember is Italia 90 which was great. My favourite is France 98 from my high school years. That France team I can name quick time were so pleasing on the eye to watch and the win annoyed Le Pen...... https://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/worldcup/04/26/france.lepen/ https://www.telesurenglish.net/anal...-Champions-Not-Less-Racist-20180715-0021.html
Some of the goals the Dutch team scored in the 1974 world cup were pretty outrageous as well and 78 IIRC
1970 for me. An absolutely fantastic Brazilian side. And I watched the final at my aunties coz she had a colour tv.
My first World Cup was the 1994 World Cup and I remember sod all about it other than some really good games involving Romania, Bulgaria and Sweden with shed loads of goals and penalty shoot outs.
Italia 90 by a mammoth distance .reasons why, The team, I was 18 at the time, the World Cup theme song and Gazza.
90, 98 Worst 2006, not because of the actual tournament but everyday it would be " what have the WAGS" Been doing, horrific