I know in the past it’s often been said that when Crude Oil prices increases, you see it increase far more quickly on the forecourt’s than when crude oil decreases, but the speed at which the prices are increasing seems to be on a daily basis. They’re not having deliveries on a daily basis are they
Yesterday I saw an intra-day increase at one of my locals. It had gone up in the morning, then had gone up again around 6.30. This was the same local that said they hadn’t dropped prices because they only ever buy in bulk to get the best price, and had just bought a drop at the higher price. I went back in and asked how they had changed their price twice in a day, if they buy in bulk. Their answer: we’re now buying daily to get the best price. There are people profiteering, and lying. Plain and simple. What makes me fume the most though are Shell and BP. Consistently 7-10p more than other places, probably the biggest buying power and both recently announced huge profits. I’m amazed there hasn’t been some kind of boycott against them.
Yeah, it's the disparity between prices that's particularly alarming to me. At one time, the 'premium brands' were about 4 or 5p more expensive than the supermarkets. Now in some instances, they're 15 to 20p more expensive. I drove past a Tesco yesterday which was 171.9p a litre and just a few miles down the road, a Jet Garage that was 189.9p a litre.
Shell garage I pass every day was at 190.1 for diesel this morning. ASDA a bit further along was 180.9. It'll definitely hit £2 soon. It's criminal really. I doubt we will see it return to normal prices because we just keep paying it (appreciate we have to really...). There isn't an oil shortage. Just profiteering, using Ukraine as an excuse. But, call me a conspiracy theorist, in my opinion it's all part of the plan to transfer as much wealth upwards as possible.
Reminds my of when my old man told me about an old bloke who used to harp on in the boozer when he first started going out in the 70s. Everyone laughed at this old fella who said it'll be £1 a pint one day.
When there was a crisis under labour early 2000s the farmers , Road hauliers took to blockading the crude oil depots . They won’t do that with their beloved Tories even though it’s a worse situation under them and have more control over than labour did at the time .
All driven by the WEF. They are applying pressure from the top down and have started with Oil, Gas, Steel, Utilities and Aviation. All by design and it will be pushed into more sectors next labeled as a 'green revolution'. We are also on the road towards carbon taxes that will be coming in very soon.
The higher the price the more duty/tax/VAT they get back. Got to pay for Covid and Brexit, why would they want to lower the prices.
I know it won’t make any difference to the big companies but I’ve parked the car up just won’t pay it and I realise others are unable to do this
Not the aggressive political stance they took under labour ? Everything we’re getting now is from the long term Tory Policies aided by the Lib Dems . Nobody battered an eyelid when forecasts at the time predicted what we are witnessing now. Of course there was a pandemic but we are suffering most because of mis managed policies so Greedy Tory MPs or/and their families to make the rich list .
A few weeks back, before it got even this bad, I was walking back from a bar in the city when I thought I was seeing things. The already high prices (CA has the highest prices in the country) were changing before my very eyes on the sign above my head. I think they went up about $0.50 a US Gallon as I watched. I then noticed a guy in the forecourt with a little mobile device changing them. I bet it's a fulltime position for him these days.
And a lot of people said " if if gets to a pound a gallon I'll pack in driving " . I was one of em, lol.