Tiny percentage of the BBS population though right? So it's not very representative across the total fan base.
You say that in a dismissive way, like those aren’t the exact people the club needs to attract. Ones one care about the club enough to frequent a BFC forum pretty much daily but for some reason have chosen not to give money to the club. And that’s just the people we know about, how many people have they put off through poor communication that never post here because they never developed the love for the club in the first place?
Sunderland this afternoon announced they have just surpassed 28000 Season Cards. Wonder how many weeks they will need to close for printing?? They use Ticketmaster too!
It's more representative than your opinion based on what I see and hear. If a small percentage of our customers at work keep making the same complaint we change something. Our aim is zero complaints and zero bad feedback. We know it's impossible but we strive for that. We don't say 'ah well, it's only a minority of our customers that think it so fêck em'
I remember when the supports trust represented the fans and tried to make things better. Now it seems like they're the club's PR machine and actively take digs at fans
Wasn't there a poll on here a few months back regarding renewals? Granted the BBS is a tiny minority of the fan base, but IIRC the majority who voted in that weren't renewing.
I don't think this is about renewals though is it? Might have got it wrong, but I thought it was about the view on pausing sales for a week. Most platforms are a tiny majority. Difficult to find anything that shows a consensus. Only have to look at season ticket sales, Conway Out meetings, and Conway Out posters for evidence of that.
Sorry, I was commenting on the point regarding it being a tiny minority moaning all the time, and tried to quantify it using that thread regarding renewals/new purchasers. Ignore if not relevant, I'm still seething about England's use of the DRS System.
I’m with you and what you’re saying makes sense. 7,000 season tickets sold is ahead of BBS forecasts though isn’t it? Depending on who we appoint and who we’re playing, I think we’ll have over 10,000 there for the first home game. Open Day plans sound positive as well, so overall not too dissimilar to the last relegation.
It is to be fair. I would never have thought we'd sell 7k - good luck to folk who have renewed/purchased.