Is total load of steaming Bull Sh*t Nicked this from David Allen Green - his account is locked so cant retweet I have no words .....
I've read that 3 times. What I'm just about getting is the governments position on breaking international law is that it's deeming its a necessity to break international law? Have they revealed who has been giving them advice yet? As many of the suggestions are from Trumpiot sources.
I wouldn't trust any of this lot as far I I could throw them. With Johnson & Patel I reckon a few inches. Might be able to get more leverage with Sunak. I tried tossing a caber once.
I cant think of any competent legal mind who would come up with such drivel so I am guessing it Bravermann - we know its not Sir James Eadie QC who arguably should have looked at this. Still Lis Truss tellls us its all perfectly legal and clear so its alright then I think in view of the exceptional circumstances I find myself in I am going to now rewrite my employment contract so I am paid £1million per year after tax because I dont like the current contract I signed up to
Liz Truss, I would fire out of a canon. Preferably at Cannon Hall. Not sure how we despatch the rest. Any ideas?
I only skim read an article yesterday but it was alleging we’re taking legal advice from someone linked to Trumps advisory team. I can’t see Braverman having the guts to break it without someone telling her to.
Here is David Allen Greens fuller blog on how unbelievably dumb the Governments position is
Lord Justice Summertorother: Mr Jay, you stand accused of procuring, through unlawful means, one million pounds. How do you plea? Me: Well I like really needed it and that, it was like a necessity. Lord Justice Summertorother: Oh, apologies Mr Jay, we didn't realise it was a necessity. You're free to go. Ever so sorry to have troubled you.
It does not surprise me one bit what this government does under Johnson's leadership as they are a law unto themselves breaking international laws to appease the DUP bigots and a possible start to the troubles again and not forgetting a trade war with the EU which will affect each and every one of us for years to come means F-all to them.
I think my favourite bit is the last line where they say that they expect the law breaking to last pretty much forever, not that they regret it being necessary and will be doing X,Y and Z to ensure it’s for the minimum time possible.