Where are you getting your data from there? According to infogol Andersen: 875 completed passes from 1293, 68% Pinnock: 1086 from 1435, 76% Pinnock in a team that finished 13th in the Premier League, Anderson in a team that got relegated from the Championship, with the worst finish in 69 years
That means nothing to me. If you went on x site and looked at progressive passes and such then i'd be happy with that.
He doesn't use data. He has a look where a player came from. Pinnock was signed from Forest Green, so he's bad. Hassell came from Mansfield, so he's bad. Frimpong signed from Arsenal so he's our "best ever player" or whatever garbage he said. Remember, scoring goals isn't an attribute.
Ok, so if facts and data mean nothing to you, what are you basing that opinion on? Don’t get me wrong, I like Andersen and he’s been good for us. But to say he’s ‘levels better than Pinnock’ just sounds, well, ridiculous, to be fair.
I've written it poorly. I'm saying that with the education that Mads got and where he finds himself he should go past Ethan and a lot of players.
Great Schmidt has gone, though I suspect we’ve had zero contribution towards the £x hundreds of thousands we spent on him, and I would be very surprised if we haven’t paid up some of his wages to allow the transfer to be completed. A disaster of a transfer for us and sadly not the only one.
Things I see with my eyes. Walsall away win. Ethans got that poor passing he couldn't find Cavare on the half turn. Every time it was behind him to his feet. Dimi was raging with him that day. I remember chewing the ear off Dougal after Sunderland away. Those whatever amount of steps on the way down must have felt like a thousand steps. Kept asking him why did he do it, why ? I couldn't believe he was so silly to give the ref the option of
That seems like a really strange way to come to your conclusion. You’re taking one very specific passage of play from one match, years ago. But you’re totally ignoring detailed analysis over an entire Premier League season just last year. Seems very selective. If that’s your approach though, shall we start having a look at the amount of monumental fk ups from Mads Andersen, while he’s been with us?
Can you point out an instance where upon his return Hemsy has been abusive? I missed the Hassell wife stuff I admit. But there needs to be an element of tolerance and forgiveness in life. Like serving your time. He obviously wasn't freely allowed to abuse. Anyway his input can be bizarre but it's better than reading about how everybody agrees with everyone else.
I'm just using my right to free speech. You like that. He's a bell end. He should never be allowed to post on here again after his personal abuse of Mrs Hassell. And his input is better than nothing? It isn't. People don't agree with each other on here. It's a brilliant place of debate and opinions. I log on here every day and there's posters I agree with and posters I think 'what are you on about' But with him, all he does is try to be Tommy Opposite. Take Pinnock for example. One of our better players of the last 10 years. So Hemsy doesn't like that, so decides he fancies having a go at him. There's no real rhyme or reason for it, apart from him attention seeking like the cap end he is. Once more, he's a complete moron. Free speech innit.
Thankyou for explaining. I was a little lost. I completely disagree with you but that's life isn't it, if we all agreed it would be boring. My opinion is that mads is a limited footballer who through hard work has pushed himself and has improved to where u think his level is. That's no criticism really, there's a lot of players who don't do that and waste their potential. I'm not bringing him up to be an arse or anything but in a lot of ways it's similar to Bobby hassell. He wasnt a GOOD footballer but he worked hard and learned how to play to his strengths and minimise his weaknesses and through that became a great player with us after a rough start. Totally different kinds of players but that's how I see mads. Rough start, worked hard and overcame his weaknesses and cemented a place in the Barnsley side. But as I said, that's just my opinion and you're definitely allowed to have yours too
Pinnock could hit a ball from defence and land at jacob browns feet and that was in league one under stendel ONE of the best ball playing defenders we have had in my time of watching us.
Or you could argue that his goals under Struber meant that we stayed in the championship and therefore we were 7 million quid better off the following season.
What system are you thinking for Luke Thomas to smash it ? Maybe his four year contract finishing will focus him to smash it ?
Nor should you then for calling someone a "bell end". Admin should ban you too for personal abuse. Or perhaps more accurately, bullying. Where has Hemsy abused his return to the board?
To be fair you could actually make a case that these stats support his argument. You would assume that it would be much easier to make a successful pass from CB in a quality team with better CM's, which Brentford are. Would also be much harder to make a successful pass in our relegation season, we know how bad we were, particularly in CM. Therefore, you could infer that he should have a larger % difference of success than 8%, which isn't massive. As a side note, Anderson's stats were exceptional last season (I believe he was at least top 3 if not top for interceptions/tackles), by that he technically has been a better performer for us than Pinnock was for us. For the record I don't think he is a better player.
But pinnocks playing against a much better level of opposition week in week out for a team who are lower end premier league.