Explain difference in levels of disrespect in posts please. It’s a football forum, for discussion about a football team and footballers.
You've let me off lightly with that post. In the post you've quoted I have taken the trouble to explain the whys and wherefores of quite a few things. They might not be right, but they don't slag anyone off or seek to belittle them. No disrespect to anyone as far as I can see. "I bet he’s awesome in 5 aside. Ssdly we require him to play in a proper game. Get shut hopefully" - your words - there seems to me to be a certain difference. Don't want to fall out though.
Im sure there’s a plethora of better examples I could have used to demonstrate my point but I don’t really have the inclination to trawl through various old posts. The only difference between the posts is that mine was more succinct tbh.
Rumours on Carlisle forum that the pictures aren't of Clarke Oduor, but are of Daniel Jinadu, young goalie we've recently released.