I did too, but from what I have seen since he is more of a creative box to box type I think. Got forward a lot and scored a fair few on loan with Queens Park.
When I watched Forest Green last season Aitcheson played in the hole behind the front two but worked his socks off box to box supporting both attack & defence, he is two footed and likes a tackle , I think him & Kane will be key this season , also Ackroyd looked promising , we shall see .
I’m not to be honest. It’s one area we have depth, if not strength. We can’t move them all on, and we won’t sign much better on the budget we have if we did manage to farm out two or three. I think we will sell Helik and Styles, probably Collins, and maybe Morris. We may possibly sign a striker to replace Morris if he goes; but without outgoings I don’t see too many more coming in. Hopefully we can clear a few out and free up a wage or three.
This is a really interesting thread having been spending time with my brother in law down in the Cotswolds. He's a massive Cheltenham fan (home and away) and having asked the obvious question ....."Whats Micky D like?", he replied that it's definitely not Micky or Mick, it's Michael. Anyway, when we got to talking tactics he said that Michael's vulnerability with them was not settling on a consistent midfield formation. So....picking up on the comments from this thread, its going to be very interesting to see where he goes. My own (too early) opinion is we could see a midfield 5 of: Brittain Kane Aitchison (playing further forward in the hole) Benson and Williams. Can't wait to see how it's all going to pan out. Tough league. Some big challenges coming up.
ps Mike (BIL) also highly recommended Calum Wright who they had on loan. "Most teams in the league couldn't cope with him. The added bonus is that he also plays with a smile on his face!". Picking up on previous comments, if we could offload some of our "peripherals" , young Mr Wright sounds like he could be a useful asset.
Don't think they'll be any "first choice" out of the younger players... Not consistent enough. Morris, if he says and if Duff brings in is own midfield general. But we still don't know who will be staying and who'll be going.