I'll never understand why a fast moving elite men's sport - tennis - that uses arguably every muscle group in the body, at every imaginable angle, that the server plays a rally with a ball or two in their shorts pocket? They have ball boys and girls literally 5 yards behind them with a year's supply of balls on tap. Surely it's a hindrance?
Agreed. I've always thought that it looked unconformable and restrictive. It would bother me. I have trouble controlling the two with which I was gifted.
Few years ago was struggling with a groin problem, doctor said to put a tennis ball down my shorts and jog a couple of miles a day. One day as I was running I passed a woman and she said "Oh my, what is that?" "Tennis ball" I replied. "Jesus that must be painful I once had tennis elbow" she exclaimed. Al get me coit !!!
On the topic of another load of balls, cricket needs to get a grip of this new habit of the fielding side requesting the ball be replaced every couple of overs. We must have lost a dozen overs in this last test with the umpires having to juggle their balls through hoops.
Why? They are allowed to ask for it checked. Whats happening, the players can see the change in the ball but until it gets bad enough for it not to pass through the second hole on the hoops
Not a hindrance but actually tactical. A tennis ball kept in pocket becomes slightly warmer, thereby slightly increasing the air pressure inside, resulting in a bit harder and more accurate second serve (which obviously has to be more accurate, if needed, than the first). All physics stuff, from a very good source - Slazenger worker (when they were down Donny Rd).
I always thought the same what if they dove for a shot and landed on said ball painful surely re cricket down to the manufactory said on comms they were looking into it but one lasting only 17 overs is abit of a joke also said about the covid protocol they aren't allowed to use saliva to polish the ball makes sense but I bet that was a hard habit to break for the player's.
Elite sport always looking at marginal gains. A team sky TdF rider 5 years ago went for a paint-free naked frame with no stickers to save 250g. Cannot get why you would stretch and dive for every point with a ball or two in your pockets. I get the bit above about heat / warm balls but why not just tell the ball-person to pocket them for a rally or 2? Theyre happy enough to mop your brow, am sure they'd be happy to pocket your balls (ooo err) for 2 mins. Winds me up more than the sprinklers at Oakwell.
I don't think this is true. For starters the ball isn't going to be in the pocket long enough for that benefit. If you read online, it is more about allowing players to retain focus between serves. They are also creatures of habit and don't have the benefit of ball boys at their beck and call when training. It is also in the rules I think to avoid time wasting.
The warm balls theory is correct in general though - certainly when it comes to golf. I'm pretty sure 'warm' balls travel further than 'cold' ones. Fun thread this.
Warm balls tend to get a bit sticky and smelly too. When you scratch them it can leave a residue under the fingernails. You'd have to wash them to cool them down if you want them to ricochet anytime soon.
Must admit I was a bit sceptical, but I do think the slight added warmth does have an effect. Like you say, it is more likely to speed the time between first and second serves - the added warmth effect was probably found later to be an added bonus of what was already being done. A lot of scientific work is done for miniscule advantages in all sports these days.