I like the look of playing F1 22 via VR headset but am I right in thinking I'd need a decent PC to link it up to in order to do that or do they act as a standalone? I've heard you can buy F1 22 on Steam VR. I have a newish laptop- HP Pavilion 15-eh0019na Laptop - AMD Ryzen™ 7. For graphics just says: AMD Radeon™ Graphics. These are the PC requirements for F1 22: I'm used to building PCs when younger etc but know nothing about VR. Thanks!
My lad has the Occulus Quest 2 - that is a standalone unit you don't need to plug into a PC. Not a huge difference in performance that I can see and battery life isn't too bad at all.
My laptop is only about 6 months old and handles f1 22 fine, just unsure whether it would be ok with VR given it has integrated GPU. I have 16gb memory and processor is decent. It appears from EA website that I'd need a PC and not just VR headset.
Unless it's a gaming laptop you've no chance on even the game running never mind the VR. You need a gaming graphics card and a general all-round devent PC to run the VR. My own laptop isn't the worst but it's just Intel HD graphics so I've no chance gaming on it
I'd typed my reply before you put on a few specs and that it run ok. Although VR gives the specs as fairly low to run you need something decent. You've got 16gb memory so that's a start and a decent CPU so it would be down to your GPU
I'm not sure how to find out whether it will handle it. I don't really want to blow £300+ without knowing to be honest. Bugger!
Do you know the exact model of the GPU. Yeh your right they're not cheap and if it doesn't work then that's a pain. I suppose it's a case of reviewing which one gets the best score and then checking what specs are needed. I can't really comment on the VR side as I've not really read up much on it but if I ever go that way I'll probably get the 2nd Gen one for PS5 when released
I'll have a look in the settings when I get home. There is a video on Youtube of someone playing 20 odd games on it using the same laptop, including Fortnite, GTA V etc etc
If you know anybody who has one, ask to try it out before buying your own. It's not for everybody and can cause quite a bit of nausea for some people.
I hadn't thought of that. I feel nauseous playing games like COD so maybe this would be similar then. Might just buy a racing wheel instead for the xbox!
I'd probably go the racing wheel route. I'm after one myself for F1 on PC too. I'm looking at the Thrustmaster T300RS GT. Logitech have options too but the T300, even though it's an older model, has options to change the wheel and pedals in the future if you want to.
Yeah I think im going to do that, too many risks i think with the vr route. I dont know anyone that has one so will go for plan B Thanks everyone!
I bought and tried to play The Last Guardian when it was released but that made me feel sick which is a known issue. The jury is out with the VR and I think that the steering wheel would be the better option