And you were suggesting that "they seems" would be the linguistically correct way to do it when it clearly isn't.
I believe in a lot of situations it is or it is an attention seeking thing. You can't be she them, you just can't. If you're happy to be labels as she then you are happy to be labelled as her. If you aren't then that's a YOU problem as you don't understand the English language. It's like saying you're happy to refer to your left arm as your left arm but the leg below it must be referred to as it because you don't identify as left and right even tho you just said you do
No. I'm suggesting "they" works in some situations and not others so it's very difficult to use correctly and often problematic. The counter argument appears to be it works in some situations and therefore it's perfectly fine. That seems like an odd argument to me.
Unfortunately the legal world doesn’t deal in the realms of reasonable readers. I’m not sure if there would be a case in this instance with the Halifax whereby it would be in the benefit of anyone cancelling an account to gain or avoid penalties but it’s clearly a statement made and at best can only be classed as false advertisement if they don’t reference T’s & C’s in their statement. it appears the majority of large companies seem to allow graduate / younger generation to run their social media accounts ….seems only a matter of time before this costs some company far more than they invest in their social media front! Personally …. I’d like nothing better than to get rid of social media!
Colleague of mine uses chosen pronouns. It’s a new thing and I’ve got it wrong quite a few times. I’ve acknowledged it. They haven’t taken offence. They understand it’s a new thing and people will trip up over it initially. They’re not angry. I’m not angry. There’s no embarrassment or shame. Because we’re both grown ups.
I just wish we could let people be who they are/ want to be then all this " gender" business wouldn't be such a big deal. Really hate the way that we seem to be going backwards in terms of boys stuff and girls stuff, even prams seem to be a choice of pink or blue.
Exactly As parents in the 80’s and 90’s we brought our kids up to be who they wanted to be. Kids are now growing up in a world where if they don’t ‘conform’ to someone’s idea of a gender stereotype then they must have questions about who they really are. As if it’s not normal for a boy to like to bake, or a girl play cricket. Don’t get me started on clothing chains girls clothes ‘be kind’ ‘princess’ etc and ‘adventurer’ ‘warrior’. It’s utter nonsense.
Prams wasn’t a particularly good example, like car seats, they’re designed to be attractive to dads. but have a look at Primark kids clothes.
The point I was trying to make is that pink/ blue pushchairs are more prevalent than when mine were babies. You get" girl" lego, different gendered kinder eggs etc.
Not sure on prams but I remember when mine were little loads of pink toys. Especially things like play kitchens and such. All bright pink.
When I meet someone,either for the first time ot on a regular basis, I don't see pronouns I see a person. I don't give a damn whether they are gay, hetero bi, etc. just whether they are decent interesting people I can get along with. I simply don't understand this modern fixation with applying labels to everything and everyone. and why some people are offended if they are, in their view, incorrectly addressed. Like I said people are people. If that PoV makes me a Luddite or a 'knuckle dragger' then guilty as charged. Frankly, anyone who takes offence because they have been 'labelled' (incorrectly or otherwise) I probably would not be bothering with anyway.
Meanwhile 100 + people killed in a missile strikes per day in Ukraine. Jesus! the obsession with self gender labelling and offence at being incorrectly addressed or the 'shame' of incorrectly addressing soemone Get some perspective people. In a global survey conducted in 2021, two percent of respondents from 27 countries identified themselves as transgender, non-binary/non-conforming/gender-fluid, or in another way. In Germany and Sweden, around three percent of the respondents stated to identify themselves with one of the listed genders. I cannot believe anyone in the 3rd World or many 1st World countries give this a second thought.
This situation seems to be cropping up more and more often for me. It feels quite weird, as I've always considered myself to be at the fluffier end of the liberal camp. No pun intended.
If you had asked me 10 years ago I would have described myself as "lefty Liberal" perhaps even a bit of a dreamer in the sense that the equality I would like to see is probably unachievable. I don't feel my views have changed much but these days I question myself all the time. Am I as open minded as I thought? Or are some people just taking things to ridiculous extremes?
'They' is plural, whichever way you look at it. 'Is Jay okay, he seems quiet?' 'Is Jay okay, they seem quiet?' In this instance 'he seems' makes grammatical sense, whereas 'they seem' doesn't - linguistically you automatically think of more than one, because gramatically that's what it suggests. You can understand the confusion surely?