Look at these beauties, free & delicious. get yer sens art forra walk a few trees up TPT if you can spot them. got these from GT Houghton.
Love a good cherry, but I’m eagerly awaiting the blackberries. God’s fruit. Seen some starting to go red already so it’s almost time
Flip-side to that is after the birds have eaten these we get the ‘fall-out’ all over our cars paths and windows.
We’re awaiting our first blueberries. One of the bushes has plenty and one has all shrivelled. Not sure when picking time is but must be soon.
They sell them in Morrisons at Cortonwood…. But if you look at the trees lining the car park, they’re full of cherries. Just pick your own for free!
Our pears are normally beginning of August and apples end of August. The neighbours behind have an apple tree with much nicer apples than our that are ready a month earlier than ours. It overhangs our garden quite a bit but it’s too high to pick so we just end up with them all over the grass one day instead.