I measure their actions on who they sign not who they sell. We expected to see the better players go. Said no fire sale but lets be honest everyone is for sale at the right price. So for me now given the outgoings im keen to see who we bring in and if its early enough to have a pre-season
Been someone that was critical of the Americans Chien Lee and Paul Conway. Could you please say have we received an absurd figure yet?
Where does not selling them and going bust as a result end? We aren’t Derby. We won’t skirt round rules and be let off. We’d be thrown to the lions. Ask some Bury fans. Genuinely, look at the accounts for last year, look at what has happened since. You don’t need to be a chartered accountant to summise we aren’t in a healthy position.
I was critical of Paul Conway as acting CEO. I’m not sure what you mean by an absurd figure. Happy to answer if you phrase it differently?
It was a word from a sentence from the chairman Neerav Perehk. Around 54 Minutes into the Fans Forum on youtube Also come on. We can't just be throwing the current CEO to the lions. The owners the board have to take any brunt of what will be said.
I cant blame Morris for wanting to leave at all. He gave it everything last season while a lot of his teammates strolled around. He gave them bollockings on the pitch and generally looked absolutely disgusted with their lack of effort. Perhaps if those losers had tried a bit harder he may not have been so desperate to leave even if we had been relegated which I don't think we would have if certain players hadn't behaved disgustingly
Worth making the subtle point that even if a transfer is paid in instalments the receiving club can factor the debt. With it being football debts the likely default is small and hence factoring fees are low. if the buying club want to pay in instalments the receiving club can factor the debt to receive it all upfront. The key for BFC at the moment is generating cash to sustain operations. This will come from further sales and that in turn reduces the payroll. For the club to be sustainable at this level the payroll needs to come down to around £6-£7m. That’s broadly a halving of the payroll disclosed in 2021 accounts. For all those saying we shouldn’t sell, that is an option, but the owners would have to stump up around £8m to get through the season That’s more than what they bought 80% of the club for. We all have opinions on players but the finances are pretty clear.
For crying out loud. Which bit of we're skint and need to sell to clear the losses are you unable to get your head around? Absolute but predictable histrionics from some on here. There's folk living in absolute cloud cuckoo land.
Why don't we run ourselves? If our owners don't provide any financial assistance and the rule is that we have to permanently balance the books, we might as well do.
Maybe some individuals might have to actually face up to reality if we did rather than blame others for not subbing the club with their own money. The reality is there are no billionaire fairy godmothers knocking on our door who want to pour in tens of millions.
There you go then Loko. I'm up for a shareholding. Plus doing the laundry. There will be pink shorts and socks as a result, but the kit will smell nice I promise.
This is true. But I remember when we were supposed to have been taken over by billionaires and that our future was thus in safe hands. The same lot still seem to be in place as owners for the most part. They've just swapped running responsibility hats.
I need to see the colour of your socks and money first. Plus how many mates with the same enthusiasm and dosh have you got?