Dunno mate, I suppose all the 1922 can do is have another confidence vote but I don't know if that can force him out. When he does go, there's no obvious replacement in the government of the talentless.....
Have you seen his dad? He's nearly as big a nut-job as Bozo. Praised him for "nearly taking one for the team" when he was in Hospital with Covid (allegedly).
I hope he tries to call a snap general election, the Queen tries to block it causing a constitutional crisis that ends the monarchy and then the Tories lose the GE anyway. That would be amazing.
I bet Starmer has given the Labour party Press Officer the week off. Bumblebee is doing his job for him!
Never felt more torn about a statement… on the one hand Gove is gone… on the other Boris Johnson still has the power to sack him.
Best question at Prime Minsters question today was one along the lines of “is there anything that will ever lead you to thinking about resigning”