It's tough to argue that basic sexism and the word "lezzer" deserves slack these days. I think you'll struggle to find any evidence of me being prejudiced. My anti-royalism is probably the closest thing.
Tell you what it’s strange to see a game when the players aren’t getting the Wakner sign,from someone in the crowd
Unfortunately unlike the men's team whereby their last outing went tits can't use the same wording were the woman's game is concerned....because it causes offence although when most jump for the ball they usually do....
An embarrassing, pointless and unnecessary set of sexist comments there!. And heres loads more as well, because they are always so popular on here.
There was some top quality first touches and ball control tonight, that led to them scoring. Then they put their footy kit on and started the match.
I've got to admit I put the thread on in a 'click bait' type thing. I was sat with a mate and said watch this........ I'm the least sexist, homophobic, racist etc etc bloke you could meet. Not religious or political either. I just get on with life. I get daily abuse from friends for been short, having big ears and my pub nickname is Monkey Boy. They buy me pet monkey toys, keyrings, fridge magnets off holiday. I don't get offended. Maybe it's just my personality, I don't know. It's today's society pressure, some rightly so, that makes people have to second guess their actions before they type or speak. It's sad in some ways but understandable in others. But imho it's not the type of society I enjoy been in. I'm of a 'mid age' where I firmly believe that the playground activities, the Sunday league football environment, the local pub ribbing and the work place banter made us who we are today. My lad turned 18 last week. He'll have none of the aforementioned. I think that's sad. I've brought him up like I was. Honest, polite, decent and respectful. Him like me are fast becoming a dieing breed from what I see. 2 generations on I'm glad I won't be around to see. It's only going to get worse.