Why is is it so much worse in the UK than any other country in the G20 (edit)? The only G20 (edit) economy performing worse than us is Russia, which is being sanctioned due to the Ukraine invasion. Let me think.....
I was caught in a tricky situation where I wanted to get behind Campbell when he ripped into the Tory MP & Telegraph reporter but at the same time remembered it was Alistair Campbell. The best point raised all night was by Mumford who hit the nail on the head about Labour & Starmer & the Wakefield result. He’s giving people no reason at all to vote Labour. In every poll done his popularity is shockingly low despite the Tories been in a crisis. They can’t just rely on people to vote Labour because they hate the Tories as if they get a new leader that some of the public warm to he’s blown it. Starmer has no charisma, he’s repeatedly lied, leavers don’t like him, majority of the left don’t like him & that’s despite getting lots of favourable coverage in the media. He needs to buck his ideas up or go. We can’t do another 5 years with these Tories. They need to get the message out there constantly about the last 12 years like the Labour MP mentioned. Don’t just mention Boris, keep mentioning how much they’ve ****** the country up in the last 12 years & make it hard for any Tory to be successful.
The countries on its arse. Transport, health care, facilities etc. 3 & 4 hour queues to get through airport security queues, old knackered unreliable trains, long waits for appointments, people not getting seen, youth clubs, parks, play areas, all neglected. Compared to other first world countries it feels like we’re going backwards. Plenty of this was happening even before Covid & even before the Brexit vote. Then you see the billions spunked on PPE & contracts for mates & it makes you sick. Vile people who shouldn’t be running this country.
No No No, remember, it's always someone else's fault and never that of the party that's been in power for the last 12 years
The world is heading for recession and cost of living rising everywhere. But the world isn’t responsible for us having a poor leader who has cut our police, cut our NHS and showed no investment in manufacturing. COVID has amplified and sped up issues we would have seen post Brexit such as lack of workers and skills, rising cost of living etc. I didn’t believe we had a government that would invest in innovation, respect and support our core industries and build allegiances…. As well as retain a strong NHS, education and policing system. This is why I voted remain. Locally we have funds cut and have nothing from levelling up, yet we did see a lot from the EU for regeneration in the past. Winston Marshal was correct that Labour need to be a more attractive vote. They haven’t been for whatever reason, but it doesn’t appear that the policies and manifesto have been the main issue. It seems people vote for charisma and as a protest these days fuelled by a press agenda. all in my humble opinion of course.
I’d say it’s somewhere between difficult and impossible to get the message out there. The majority of the media aren’t just complicit, they actually drive the agenda. then there’s Labours problems with Brexit. You summed it up by accident, Leavers don’t like Starmer, but the majority of them aren’t coming back to labour for another ten years, it’s impossible to admit you made a mistake. And the left don’t like him cos he’s lunged right to try to attract back some of the lost votes. Starmer could be doing a lot better, but it’s an impossible job. IMHO he needs to forget about the Brexit voters and press on with a progressive left platform (like he promised), but it’s high risk cos he’d be turning his back on a lot of those red wall votes. But it’s easy to make the opposite argument too.
Well put Donny. There's two significant elements of the traditional Labour vote that are completely at odds at the moment. The Brexit loving wing who probably aren't Socialist in any real sense of the word but have always voted for the working class party and those who almost puritanically insist on a hardcore left wing agenda. It's impossible to keep them in the same tent at the minute and any Labour leader will find the same problem. Whatever it takes to move the UK towards a PR based electoral system is desperately needed now or we will continue to head down the same route of a terminally broken political system as the US.
I've got a few minutes in and can't watch. it's when someone makes a really valid point (regardless of your political views) and some of the audience clap, whilst many sit their arms folded. How can they disagree? I'm not tying any more, it just makes me so angry. Oh, and that woman that said "absolutely" every other word. ARGHHH
Do you have any evidence for that statement? Because the Chilcott Inquiry cleared the Prime Minister's Office of influencing the Iraq Dossier and instead laid the blame for the weakness in it's evidence at the door of the Joint Intelligence Committee. Still, best not let the facts get in the way, eh?
Not to forget that the vast majority of Tory MPs supported it and would also have gone in with the USA. That was the effect of austerity - arguably one of the big drivers behind the Brexit vote - which was ideological. And still Sunak and others in the running to be next PM support it and would slash spending. making the situation worse.
Or the single policy that they won the last election on... and I don't mean levelling up, I don't think even the most blinkered tory voter really expected anything from it.
He's also forgetting the house voted to go to war with Iraq. If the Tories had been in power then they would have most definitely done the same thing. This is selective memory of history. Only 2 conservatives voted against the government where 84 Labour MPs did. Although I vehemently opposed the war, once the US made the decision to go to Iraq it was absolutely inevitable that the UK would support it, and the Tories did in droves. This is again where Tory spin and right wing media portray this as solely Blairs war. He was the main contributing factor, but we need to be clear with facts, it was propped up by Tory votes en masse. Boris Johnson also voted 'Aye' but uses the war as a tool against Labour at every opportunity.
Just watched it on iPlayer, he was about the only one that talked any sense. Think what you like about Iraq, but the war would have happened with or without the UK and as he said several times, there have been 6 enquiries and NONE of them found that Blair had lied. You have clearly been brainwashed by the Tory media.
Well, that's a rather generous interpretation. You are right about Dearlove's misplaced confidence/certainty (I met him once in a social situation - I thought he was not a very nice bloke) but Chilcot poses some serious questions about the pressure that PMO applied to Lord Goldsmith to not follow due procedure and implies he was also leant on to change his opinion when he decided that we didn't need a second resolution after all...
"Labour took us to war with Iraq.......WAR CRIMINALS" Corbyn voted against it......"HATE HIM.....in league with our enemies!!!!!"
I know very little about economics so can I ask what this is based on? I did a quick Google to try to educate myself but everything came back saying UK are 2nd best Economy in Europe (after Germany)and the IMF report in April predicted UK to also have second biggest % growth in Europe (after Spain)in 2022/23. Genuine question as I’m assuming I’m either looking in wrong place or not understanding the data.
The question everyone should be asking is,that if a town/ city/ area needs investment etc, then it shouldn’t matter what colour rosette it wears. The Tories are admitting that they only invested because they voted for them, otherwise they would’ve continued to receive zilch. If that can’t resonate with people then it’s little wonder that the county is in such a poor ‘political’ state
I may have misquoted, we are the 2nd worst performing economy in the G20 according to the Financial times. https://www.ft.com/content/ee2ce542-eb19-48c1-9a1d-57a8200a47ae We have a high growth rate at the moment but when the %age growth is based on a smaller economy the actual growth is quite small (30% of fck all is still fck all). If our economy is doing as well as the Tories would have you believe, why are economists talking about stagflation?
I was disappointed that there wasn't one or more of our MPs there,or leader of the council. The panel had no one on it who had a connection to Barnsley, I don't know if this is usual on QT? So it could have made anywhere really. I don't know if they discussed the problems of the North,poor transport, reduced funding for councils, second homes,lack of autonomy for Metro Mayors. The Civic looked good on the TV and so did the audience.
Is the growth rate not relevant to previous performance? As an example according to OECD, UK had the second largest growth in Q1 2022, so could it just be a levelling up/peaked too soon? https://www.oecd.org/sdd/na/g20-gdp-growth-Q1-2022.pdf