None of us are in the house between 8 and 4ish, I think it's mental. I'm thinking of going back to the old fashioned way of getting a bill and paying as I go. Things were simpler then. We're on variable at the minute and stayed on it on the advice of money people I've read up on. I don't think there's a good way of doing it.
I'm with Shell energy and my fix finished last month. What I find totally unjustifiable is the rise of the daily standing charge. My electricity has gone from 19p per day to 48.5p per day and from 15p per kwh to 28.5p. This is before October and January rises. I am totally sick of seeing adverts by Shell saying they are supplying 100 percent renewable electricity to the UK. If this is the case why are my bills going up in line with gas prices? This government need to act now to stop this profiteering because there is no doubt when winter comes they will have no choice but to act. The population just won't accept allowing unregulated "market forces" to dictate.
The government is making a lot of money from price rises. All that extra tax raised is a nice windfall for them. Its a good job really, it helps most of the government members pay for their lawyers to defend them in their many legal troubles and goes towards giving them all their payoffs after voting to keep bozo in the job so they could resign with 3 months wages instead. Kerching
I am under the impression that if your burner is classed as a multi fuel burner which mine is then you have no problem with smokeless fuel but you would have if you burnt untreated coal.
Auto moved to British Gas with when peoples energy went bust. The special people Tartuffe now ended. was paying £127, went up to £185 with the first rise, people Tartuffe ended in June. Now saying £215 per month I’m £192 in credit.
That increase only makes sense if you have built up a large debt on your account. Obviously you are looking at a large jump in October but not that large.
That will likely be why then. They will have calculated you aren't paying enough hence the debit coupled with now having to clear that on top of a increased amount. Still seems a big jump though but it's probably the reason.
That makes sense then, unfortunately. They have to clear that debt, plus put it up by the amount you should have been paying to not get in debt, plus an increase because the prices have gone up now the tariff has ended, plus extra to put you in credit ready for winter. It’s shitè.
Just be aware that you will actually be paying more that way per unit. There is a discount for paying by direct debit. It may seem less per month because you’re not building up credit but it will be more money spent in the long run. You may not mind that for the convenience of course but wanted to make sure you knew.
The best way if anyone wants to do it like that is go as low as they will let you on the Direct debit then put in meter readings every month and pay the difference.
What's sticking in my throat though is a) I phoned them about 6 months ago when I saw prices going up to increase my payments by 20 a month which they talked me out of b) that size of debit is worth nowhere near the kind of increase they are wanting me to accept. I've agreed to go from my 180 a month to 300 a month and see where we are in 6 months. What I can't accept is a 85 weekly increase which means Id have to earn an extra 120 a week or £3 hour on a flat wage. Lunacy
I'll never understand how it's cheaper to pay after the event using direct debit where there is a risk that the customer may not pay than it is to pay up front where the supplier knows 100% that this cannot happen
I guess a lot of people were struggling to pay one bill every quarter so this results in less chasing up of people? Less admin processing payments too probably? It also gives them a steady amount of cash flow throughout the year rather than them getting four big payment dates a year and nothing the rest of the time (apart from prepayment meters). Dunno, just guessing.