I always found it odd why his twin brother was left behind and never came over . Poor Mo, must have been absolutely terrifying but some comfort he's got a wonderful family of his own now and he's brought so much joy with his athletics.
The BBC News have just said the Home office have confirmed no action to be taken against Mo’s UK Citizenship. Personally I think that’s right and I’m glad, but if they then deny other’s in a similar situation then it becomes yet another **** show from this govt.
Bloody beaker folk coming over here teaching us how to drink out of cups! What was wrong with drinking out of our hands?!!!
The windrush generation - been living here for 50-60 years since childhood, many staffing the new NHS and then being asked for proof of residency - after the home office destroyed all the boarding cards, etc. fkn disgrace.
Amazing how its not okay to deport if they're famous, isn't it? Just to be clear, nobody discussed should be deported. Maybe Priti Patel actually, if execution isn't an option, like...