I don't think it matters. Whoever gets the gig will call a snap election. Then we'll all have chance to vote Labour.
The only way they'll call a snap election is if the polls show them with a huge lead over Labour again. The whole point (or what they believe) of the Conservatives (which really doesn't suit them as a moniker) is to exist in power. What they do with it aside from self profit is immaterial. They will literally do and say anything to become elected.
It won’t be Sunak, Javid or Zahawi. They aren’t daft. They know a brown PM isn’t possible. I’ll go for Penny. She seems like the least **** option.
It is if the members have to chose between 2 of them but I expect at least one of Penny or liz to be in the face off
Interestingly the two who are leading your poll are Tugendhat and Mordaunt - two who are not in the present Cabinet - and two who have had the least Ministerial experience - two who have had the least media exposure - two we know the least about. What is easy to under-estimate is the massive power the press/media etc have on our perception of our politicians. And to go o/t - are opposition parties of any colour relevant ? None of the last 6/7 PM's (not sure if Blair is in this category) have gone as a direct result of Opposition pressure.
A good question. For as many years as I can remember there's been an ideological battle between centre and left. And further in the past left and far left. The realm of views seem to be more at ease battling each other rather than an opposition. The tories worked out that the leadership battle is just a bit of sport in the scheme of things. They relish it, They love it. But as soon as all the conflict is over, their focus is on retaining power and doing whatever it takes. Labour have often felt comfortable in opposition and navel gazing over which stance is most puritan. In the end, combined with the split in centre and left opposition, Labour votes are diluted and the minority tories get enough seats to be the government. I suspect Starmer is trying more to follow that route and realises being in power is what its about. Though I can't say he's as popular as he needs to be to get a majority, especially in the shirt term once Johnson is surgically removed.
It’s like picking how you want to be executed because Russia took over the world However if I ad to pick one I think Tugendhat simply because he’s unknown (by me at least ) and hoping above hope that he’s a goodish guy, although I won’t hold my breath
I've seen him chairing select committees and he has come across as pretty fair and decent. I've no idea what his voting record is or his wider views beyond defence and I'm not sure he's ready for such a role either, but the list of those he is up against is grim beyond words.
If I HAD to choose I’d go Sunak, purely because the right wing of the party hate him so at least he isn’t as big of a dick as them. There’s the whole ‘his wife not paying tax’ thing but he’s a Conservative, what do we expect? That’s as standard with them.
She Did "Splash" - The Tom Daly diving program so we saw a lot of her in a swimsuit - had to retire hurt after cocking up a dive and doing a massive belly flop IIRC But I am not sure I would base my choice of PM over how good they look in a swim suit! Although Angela Raynor for PM if thats the criteria