Beyond sickening. Thoroughly ashamed. Makes us just as bad as the Russans. It's no wonder twenty years and billions of dollars made no difference in Afghanistan, the population was always going to be resistant after these kinds of atrocities.
In fairness I think the headline could be more precise, when you read it it says one SAS squadron which is different to investigating all the decent blokes in the regiment doing a very difficult job.
You wouldn't have said that to my "Leftist" Great Grandads & Grandads, they'd have taken you head off. You posted what you posted hoping for a reaction & well done you have one, now stop being all snowflaky, no one's in a frenzy minst.
My Dad was a very left leaning socialist who was about to join the International Brigade to fight Franco’s fascists. He was stopped by my mother who was pregnant with my elder brother at the time. After the war where he served at D day he said to me that he didn’t hate Germans but he hated fascists. He also said it was paramount that as soldiers we should be better than the enemy. He would have wholeheartedly disagreed with you.
Dunt talk ******. Leftist my arse. No one is questioning the merits of the armed forces and most are thankful they exist. But would you say the same to some of the military that are questioning the acts. Senior officers etc. You do realise they are the accusers. ? They'd soon have you locked up.
Our forces and emergency services are second to non and have some of the most wonderful caring people in the world who do a very important job to the very best of their ability and beyond , However you do get evil people masquerading as heroes in these places and they must be weeded out otherwise we get the Shipmans, Allotts, and Couzens and man y more Wolves in sheeps clothing . They hide behind the millions of good people and their good reputation to disguise their evil deeds and must be brought to justice .
So because we're not SAS soldiers, we shouldn't object to them committing illegal war crimes? Is that really your logic? I'm not a Police Officer either. Does that mean I'm not allowed to condemn what Wayne Couzens did? Do you also think Bloody Sunday was justified? Or any other atrocity we've been involved in? We really do need to see beyond Flag Shagging here.
If it involved executing unarmed prisoners who posed no threat where they were and thereby breaking the Geneva Convention then no, I probably couldn’t in all consciousness do that. I must be a leftist, as you call it. Whatever that is… But exactly how far right are you? I sincerely hope not so far as this thread suggests.
Slightly ironic post is that one mate, what with the capital violence guaranteed and the spelling too. Could be the Westons.