A YouGov poll suggests she comfortably beats any other candidate if it goes to the members' poll. Looks a shoo-in.
Not a surprise. If you were a Tory member/voter you'd surely want to vote for someone who doesn't stink from being a major part of a previous government like Sunak and Truss are.
Just saw a speech she made vowing to end 'divisive politics'. If true to her word she doesn't seem like the worst option.
She's at the scary end of the psychopath ideologue brigade. Be very afraid. Given how the poll suggests she'll smash anyone she's up against, I have a feeling their will be some horse trading to stop her getting to the final two.
Just another seedy Tory. Look at her voting record: For - Restricting the scope of Legal Aid Capping Civil Service redundancy payments Privatisation of Royal Mail Reducing the rate of corporation tax Higher tax on plane tickets Mass surveillance of communications Stricter asylum system Higher alcohol tax Increase in VAT Restriction on Trade Unions Bedroom tax Reducing welfare spending Brexit Against - Restrictions on fees charged to tenants by letting agents Greater regulation on gambling Removing hereditary peers from the Lords More powers to the Welsh and Scottish parliaments Proportional Representation Reducing motor fuel tax More public control of bus services Public owned railway and slowing the rise in rail fares Banker's bonus tax Raising welfare in line with prices increases EU Nationals remaining in UK Iraq War Investigations
The Minister of State for Trade Policy isn't a major part of the previous government? She was right in there and covered in all the glory...
I couldn't vote for her if I wanted to. I can neither spell nor pronounce her surname. And she looks nothing like Penny from Just Good Friends.
She posted a tweet about transgenderism, changing her tune about what she *really* meant - which, in isolation, doesn't bother me, people change their minds all the time, especially with more knowledge and experience. I just thought it was a bit of a coincidence doing it now, bit more pandering to her Tory acolytes
She will do the ERG's bidding. They want charter cities and she will do her best. More of the same **** in afraid
She can't be worse than Truss. I'm not sure if I can stand another cabinet with #GoNads and Jacob Rees-Cünt