Hi Heather, Have you sent your letter to the 1922 committee yet? Or are you still happily following the clown Boris Johnson? Regards, Strangely she's not replied yet....
She didn't reply to my last one either. Hello, I trust you weren't at the parties at No 10 last December.... Regards,
She obviously likes people who lie through their teeth. My local MP supported Bojo The Clown in the vote of confidence (probably because he was a PPS in the Education Dept.). He resigned last week as one of the mass resignations. I suspect that he surmised that not resigning may be career limiting in the longer term. I had written to him on at least 3 occasions since “Partygate” emerged urging him to condemn Bojo’s behaviour and lying. He resisted my urging on all but the last occasion last week. I have a real problem with those people whether an MP or not who think it is acceptable to have a blatant liar as PM.
I emailed her several weeks ago as well asking if she'd sent a letter in to the 1922, got a similar reply to yours via snail mail
This is pretty much the rhetoric from all of the candidates. Their notion that the reason that brexit is not working is that it's not extreme enough.
The reason communism failed is that it wasn't communist enough... Its only a matter of time before they have to declare (trade) war on the EU rather than admit they were wrong about something...
There are loads of opportunities/benefits from Brexit, I just can't think of /remember what they are just now! Give me a minute and I'll get back to you, could be later on today perhaps tomorrow.
I thought I would remember, everything costs more. The benefit being it doesn't take me as long to count my money.