I don't think so in the current climate. Yes there are a generation who are fixated on Thatcher & the strikes, so regardless of who lead the tories or their policies, I dont think they would be able to trust them because of their struggles through those years. Although, with the amount of backhandedness, corruption and outright lies, I don't think many labour voters, even if they can forgive and forget about Thatcher, would be able to vote/trust the current tories. Even the 2 favourites, Rishi & Penny, both have played with nepotism. There's such a divide now and I don't know how it'll even begin to heal, especially with Brexit on top of everything.
Absolutely not. Even if they did, which you’d be deluding yourself if you ever for one second thought they would, I would never vote against the needs of society in the hope of a couple of crumbs.
Well does Doncaster have a Tory mp and they received all the levelling up money ? . We got nothing ! Sometimes we are our worst enemies . Should the feeling of people in their later life's determine the future of Barnsley ? Personally I have my own business , I work hard, more than I should have to be honest . Blue or red rosette has not had much influence on my life so far . As a town we need that levelling up money and bring a red rosette and still harping back to the 80's ain't going to help us
Agree with most of this but I'm struggling to see your issue with the Civil Service redundancy payment cap which is capped at 21 months for voluntary redundancy. Seems pretty fuucking reasonable to me. Best of British getting that anywhere else.
Selby has a Tory MP and we have not received a penny yet all while the police station shut the hospital is running reduced hours and age uk have moved out of the Town because of funding issues and those are just things off the top of my head. Looking round Barnsley now with the investment in the Town centre I feel envious that you have all that going on and we have very little in the pipeline that Tory councillors keep trying to block. I am a local and County Councillor and I have to sit with them in meetings telling people how wonderful things are and how supportive of projects they are then see what actually happens behind the scenes where they are scheming to stop progress and funnel money away to projects they are more interested in. Nearly 5 years ago we got the go ahead to build a special school for children who needed the extra support that are currently being sent as far as Harrogate in taxis everyday and guess what? It's gone back to planning because Tory councillors held it up and now we risk losing the funding. They smile and tell you what you want then stab you in the back.... Be careful what you wish for!
I know you're just trying to wind people up at the moment, but I'll bite this time just in case anybody else actually does think this. No. I'm from the West Midlands - we've got a bunch of Tory councils/MPs at the moment and a Tory mayor (who I actually thought was the better option last time around). It makes no difference whatsoever. If you want better policies for your area, then unless you live in London your best bet is going to be to vote for whichever party prioritises devolution of powers to the regions. Labour don't care about you, but Tories care even less.
Anyone who walks round Donny and Barnsley town centres will know which one has been ‘levelled up’ and which one needs levelling. It’s 100% clear unless you have an agenda. Latest Donny wheeze. We will call you a city but close your airport.
read this then. As far as I’m aware Barnsley have received nothing . As Alastair Campbell quoted on Question Time last week https://www.commonplace.is/customer-stories/doncaster-levelling-up-fund-engagement
now do how much they lost through EU funding. Still they have conned mugs who promote this crap so job done. for Barnsley Sunaks Richmond got our money. Well known area of deprivation.
Ah well that's where the remainers did not shout loud enough about the benefits we received from the EU . I told everyone I knew what we would be losing if we opted out . Let's face, it the remain campaign was a abject failure in Barnsley!
You do realise that isn't levelling up don't you? The budget from central government has been cut in half and money places like Doncaster got from the EU has gone and not been replaced adequately. Towns like ours shouldn't be begging for funding and having to bid against other run down areas for support.
The remain campaign was an abject failure all over the working class areas in the north and midlands. Barnsley being just one example. They were the areas whom overwhelmingly benefitted from eu funding, who were evidentially much better off in the eu (those leavers complaining about ‘levelling up’ money now - you were told what would happen. But people didn’t care, as it wasn’t loud enough to drown out the noise of stopping ‘them foreigners coming over’ or completely false numbers on a big red bus, or even some ridiculous thing about sovereignty when we already had all the powers they suggested we’d get back). These were the areas who needed the eu most - and also the ones who overwhelmingly voted to leave. Turkeys and christmas. Anyway, old argument. It’s done and we are where we are. But let’s not pretend that areas like Barnsley, Donny, you could list dozens, being cut off and allowed to fall behind wasn’t predicted by anyone, or that it wasn’t discarded as ‘project fear’ before the vote or the ramblings of a ‘remoaner’ after it.
Bill Gates's girl so she's going to get all the best press and media coverage.. fact he donates to the Beeb, C4, the Guardian and the Telegraph so most bases covered is purely coincidental of course.
Forgot she's done reality TV in the past to boost her profile like when Nadine Dorries did I'm A Celebrity.
From the way Gloriana Truss was just talking it looks like My First Fascist Barbie stays in place at the Home Office if she gets the leadership.