Just be working outdoors as usual, laying concrete blocks next week. Love being out and about in all elements
I just skimmed an article this morning discussing the increasing temperatures, especially in cities and some of the thinking to reduce the effect of them. Some cities are painting rooftops with white reflective coatings, and others are trialling painting sections of roads to bounce heat rather than absorb it. What was worrying was the expectation that the use of air conditioning will likely treble by 2050. Increasing emissions but also displacing hot air into surrounding areas making them hotter still. It also mentioned some places using outdoor air conditioning (particularly the middle east).
We have had air temperatures rarely dropping below 35C here for several weeks. Although we have become partly acclimatised ( I have built a woodstore in the past few days in temperature above 36C trying to work as much as possible in the shade) it is still bloody hot. A few tips, (mostly common sense). Keep all windows and curtains closed during the heat of the day (we are lucky as we have external shutters too). As soon as the external temperature falls in the evening to below internal temperature open as many windows as you can ( albeit probably without security shutters you are probably restricted to upstairs ones). Close all before you go to work. It goes without saying to drink plenty of water but you sometimes get to the stage where water does not seem to quench your thirst, in which case, strangely it is salt your body needs so eat some snack containing salt. On the subject of personal hygiene, perfumes and colognes are better than deodorants containing anti-perspirants as sweating is good for keeping internal core temperature down. A cooling shower* at least once a day is good Water melon is actually better than water as it contains all the salts and minerals you lack when you are dehydrated . If it gets too hot at night in the bedroom (Ooh matron!) Sleep in the buff and wet a top sheet as the evaporation is cooling. *Alternatively rinse off in the shower and get into bed without drying off. Obviously try to make every effort to park in the shade with or without AC. Sometimes parking in the sun first thing in the morning to allow for where any shade will come round at the height of the day is good forward planning. With closed windows in sun the surfaces become too hot to touch and it takes a long time to cool the car. We have hit 40C in the shade here a few times with the more intense sun adding to that but people seem to manage. It is just the UK and Northern Europe is not used to it and people go daft with a bit of sunshine.
Thanks, Tekky! We’ve been really on it with the open windows on an evening and very early morning and shutting up during the day. There’s no shade to park in unfortunately but I have bought a reflective shade which is really effective. I didn’t know that about watermelon, I might get some at the weekend. I was discussing the antiperspirant thing with Will yesterday but I get really sweaty without it. I couldn’t do that to people at work.
It is teachers I feel sorry for ...My wife used to have 30+ sweaty little bodies giving off heat in a '60s built classroom with huge picture windows (South facing!!) down one side. Either that, or a portacabin type classroom (when her school suffered mining subsidence in the main building). She baked in summer an froze in winter.
Jesus Christ!! I can't believe the reaction over a bit of heat! Summer of 76 was a belter! As were others as i progressed through life! We're about to endure mid 30's heat and it seems to me everyone is going off like armageddon is coming fgs! Can't wait for the 2 inch of snow to fall and see certain folk getting giddy ovver that anall
I’ve been extremely ill from heat exhaustion three times previously so yes, I’m worried. The summer of ‘76 was cooler (just) than Tuesday is predicted to be and you’re still going on about it 46 years later (and presumably you weren’t in Southampton where that temp was recorded), so I think I’m allowed one thread about it. I’ll try and remember to tag you in my snow thread in winter.
I'll be in Cyprus where its even hotter,love this weather, worked outdoors for 40 years and they are long winters so i make most of nice weather.
I thought you lived and worked in Leeds? I do a 2hr round trip to Leeds, but not for much longer thankfully!
I live in Leeds but don’t work there. My commute is a 2 hour round trip too! Forecast is now 37 for work!
I do like it there. I walked from Headingley into the city this morning and it was nice to have a proper look around. I like quiet though, and we're 2 mins from fields and the transpennine trail, so here is perfect for me