Any ideas of when the new kits will be on sale, not long to the start of the season. Let's hope the Club get enough stock otherwise there will be some pissed off supporters.
As season ticket holders have a week to get new replica kits before anyone else, if you don't have a season ticket you might not get a new shirt in time for the first game at this rate.
Mate was hoping to get new home shirt to take on his hols this weekend but was told they wasn’t in stock yet Typical Barnsley throwing money away
Aside from remaining confused about why anyone would want to wear a football shirt on holiday I've got to wonder why he can't wear last season's? Who's going to know the difference?
They should aim for first week of June. Soon as one season finishes get the next kit out so buyers can more value for money.
I don’t know how true this is or where it’s originally come from, but I keep seeing on Facebook that the kits are ready and have been sometime we just don’t have a sponsor yet apparently? Even seen some people say a sponsorship pulled out, again not sure how true all this is but doesn’t look good. Don’t understand why the club haven’t said anything, especially if our sponsorship with the Investment Room has expired.
Doesn't the kit from last season which you bought in this years June sales still fit you, surely you haven't put that much weight on, that is, unless you are err pregnant lol now that would be the talk of the Bbs lol...just asking for a friend
Same, plus I’ve found all the Puma ones so bland af, even when they’re supposed to be bespoke. Would love us to be kitted out by Umbro again or even something new like Adidas, the only top brand we’ve never had do our kits.