I shouldn't laugh.... but that dive is hilarious... ouch! In fact I think it should be mandatory that all tory candidates have to recreate that dive from the top board.... ideally with an empty pool.
A very off "launch"... many of the things she seems to have declared as her achievements were actually hugely damaging or are simply delusional. You get the feeling little would change with Truss. Same old rubbish with a different face.
Why say idiots? There lies the problem with people who we're on the remain side . They simply called people who disagreed or did not know the facts, idiots, racists, dumb and retarded. The remainers in my view, did more harm to their cause than any leaver did. Too flippant to name call and belittle rather than educate ! It is now used by labour supporters . Not one labour mp as ever knocked on my door at pogmoor. Neither as any other to be honest . A few leaflets with slogans on doesn't cut it ! Just to add , I think the current council have and still are doing a great job . I'm no critic whatsoever
Looking at her voting record only tells you that she was part of a conservative cabinet, it doesn’t necessarily indicate her own beliefs on a particular matter.
Looking at her being part of a conservative cabinet only tells you she is a sociopathic bitch, it doesn't necessarily indicate her own status as human.
I gave up trying to discuss and educate a few months after the vote. That vote was six years ago. If folk still bleat on about Brexit benefits, then it's fair game to call them that.
It's a case of not expecting 'instant gratification' or results... It is called 'playing the long game'. In this case... a very, very long game
It was an abject failure nationwide. Led by Jeremy Corbyn who was anti-Europe (in common with many of the Labour left) for most of his life and only being at best lukewarm towards the EU during the referendum campaign.
The failure was in Cameron calling a referendum. You only ever call one if you are absolutely, cast iron certain you are going to win.
i call idiots idiots if you don’t know the impact of your vote then perhaps best not to use it We decided to make policy decisions based on the opinions of people in the local Spoons. The politicians we paid to make those decisions passed the buck. When it was abundantly clear that those decisions were costly and would damage our economy they then elected the blonde buffoon to ‘gET BRexIT dONE’. So no sympathy from me we get exactly what we deserve. The cost of living crisis is in reality the cost of Brexit crisis. As for racism. Not all Brexiteers are racist but all (white) racists are brexiteers
corbyn didn’t lead the pro remain camp for Labour Alan Johnson did but don’t let your prejudices get in the way of facts. voting analysis showed just over 70% of Labour voters voted remain. It seems extremely unlikely that anyone could have increased that percentage significantly. People like my dad were always voting Brexit because of a combination of racism and a mistaken belief that membership of the EU was costing money that could be used elsewhere rather than the reality was that we made money from our membership.
i love this let’s not judge people on their actions let’s ignore what they have done and make up a narrative where they aren’t inhuman monsters without anything to corroborate it.
A bit harsh. I have no strong feelings either way about Corbyn, but on the referendum, I think he was lacking. Mind you so was Cameron....
lets face it though. Every one except the tories are praying truss wins… it would actually be hilarious
I've done a guesstimate of where the eliminated candidates' votes might fall and I can see where Truss and Mordaunt go through to the members' vote. YouGov polling currently suggests Mordaunt wins that one, and any TV face-offs will only reinforce that as Truss performs like one of The Woodentops, whereas Penny convincingly promises the earth. Rishi will probably be traduced for his and his wife's tax status, plus the members will not swallow the high tax agenda.
The fact that her saying the absolute bare minimum of essentially "trans people exist" has landed her heat is an extremely sad indictment on this country.
I'm bloody not, we would have to put up with her until the next election, and even then dafter things have happened, she might win! You can tell how well Maudant is doing though the way the other camps are lining up to put the boot in whenever possible