That's why I said IN headingley because I clearly didn't mean you at all. Honest.. Plus John Peachy is clearly a wrong un too. Up at all hours playing his music
My eldest (about to turn 12) has a football match scheduled for Monday at 6. Next season it goes up from 9 a side to 11 a side, the pitch gets bigger and it moves from 30 minute halves to 40. It's a friendly on Monday as their first match under the new arrangement. I've told the coach he's barmy and if it does go ahead, my son won't be playing. He's only got 13 so if 3 cry off we'd have to pull the fixture from lack of numbers. I'm therefore being rounded on for my unpopular opinion. Am I overreacting here or are the other parents not quite grasping how hot it's going to be?
This is Monday’s forecast for Barnsley. Anyone scheduling 80 mins physical exercise, not under cover, for kids, in 34 degrees, is nuts. Stick to your guns, it can be rearranged.
It may not be as hot as predicted. But it seems a bit silly not to postpone due to the forecast, given that it's just a friendly.
And not just a friendly. A children's grassroots friendly. If the predicted heat does materialise, 26 kids including subs will be out in it. If nobody gets heat stroke as far as I'm concerned it's more by luck than judgement. I've messaged the coach and said we're out.
Stick to your guns. Anyone thinking kids should be running around in those temperatures has a screw loose.
If people continue to moan, send them this from the DofE. 40 could be hit in some places and some people will still deny the planet is screwed because of global warming.
You're not only absolutely correct, but if those temperatures are reached and they go ahead with the game, I'd be taking your kid somewhere else and reporting the coach to their county FA if I were you. Safety should be their first consideration - if they ask kids to play in heat like that then they're clearly putting something else ahead of safety.
Young Alfie played in a tournament on Sunday first game was 10.15 and they got to the final so that was around 5, the games were only 12 mins but the final was scheduled to be 10mins each way we asked could we just play a 12mins game they refused it ended 1-1 so they had to play 5min extra time. Unfortunately they lost but the point been that was bad enough but 35 degrees is just cruel you stick to your guns.
Met Office have issued a Red Warning for extreme heat. Widespread impacts on people, infrastructure and the West Stand.
I've seen 2 fellow players collapse with heat exhaustion while playing cricket over the years. On both occasions it was sunny and hot, but back then "hot" meant mid to high twenties. It wasn't a pleasant experience although both made a full recovery. I can't imagine doing anything in 38°C heat except sleeping in a swimming pool. The football match should be called off.
Probably scare mongering again like " extreme wind conditions" which actually blew over a patio chair, and "extreme snow conditions" which meant I had to scrape 1/2 inch of snow off my windscreen before driving to work.
Over 20c at night/early morning. Camp bed's out in garden, nowt on but undercrackers, sod the neighbours...
The hottest temperature in 1976 was 35C. It is predicted to hit 40C next week. Above the mid-20s, the risk to health increases rapidly - and below about 5C too - so we are likely to see a lot of old people die or be seriously ill (and some really young) over the next week. If you can remember 1976 in any detail, you are probably in the category where you are at higher risk - and that is without the NHS being stretched to breaking point with Covid.
They're laying on fully air conditioned stadiums in Qatar for what I think is an average temperature of 28-29C! I'm not sure how hot its going to be where you are, but round here we're looking at 38. I wouldn't feel comfortable with seeing adults doing sport in that, let alone kids who might be less aware of their limits or feel unable to quit when it gets too much. Could quite easily kill someone.
In the glass , Steel and mining industries front line workers worked in well excess of 30 odd degrees without any concessions (apart from a beer one at woods ) . No wonder not many of these workers ever reached retirement age . The warnings are for a reason not plucked out of the air by wussies as one Tory MP has spouted through his privileged Gob. Take heed and take care especially if you suffer ailments or and elderly .