Please could you sign a few England women's strikers for Barnsley. They've got 10 times the ability, workrate and composure of any striker we've had in recent years
Dear Khaled, Is it possible I could spin a positive England woman’s performance into a dig at the team I’m supposed to support? Love, SuperTyke P.S. I already know I can.
You think they'd be able to play to the standard of a league one footballer? FFS not even close. The Arsenal Women's coach said they played the Arsenal u16s team and they were a better standard than whoever they were playing at the Champions League Semi-Final stage. Its one of the things i'd like to see. A men vs Womens game. It'd have to be one of Arsenal/ Chelsea/ Manchester City doing it. Give the Men something to want to score more and more. Say something like a million pound a goal and then see what happens.
Just checked it was quarter-final stage and they got knocked out against. That's what the Arsenal Womens head coach said. u16 Footballers at the elite level are miles better than the elite Women footballers. I don't think it would be close. I'd like to see the game trialed for sure. Just how far are they above the women team at the same level.
That's not what the arsenal women's head coach said though is it. Stop making things up to opinion that you prefer young boys to women
yes. It was on Sky sports News. Thats something from before it.
I'd like to take whatever you have to think that those Women England players could get within any distance of a current Barnsley player. It's not even close. I watched some women cricket recently. It's embarrassing. Didn't the number 500 best man in swimming or something change to women events and win. This started the debate of whats going on now. Doesn't matter the sport SuperTyke. They are a million miles off. You might not think the Barnsley players aren't very good. Some of them I don't but goodness they aren't that bad.
I might not think the Barnsley players aren't very good. Are you talking to yourself? Goodness I think you really dislike women don't you. I'd forgotten about your sexism. Oh goodness. I'll never understand what makes you like a footballer but I guess if you can't be happy and excited by women you should stick to teen boys, at least they excite you The facts speak for themselves.
Women’s football is essentially a completely different sport/spectacle and should be allowed to be judged separately to the men’s game really rather than foolishly compared like he has done here. But he’s technically correct about the standard of pro schoolboy teams. Think it was Dallas U15’s that beat Team USA 5-2 about four years back. Why they allowed that game to go ahead I’ll never know as it’s now continually referenced as a stick to beat the game with. Thankfully, this tournament is doing more than enough to put things like that firmly in the past. The goals, the record crowds, the TV coverage, etc. Different sport but the gap in the sport will likely still be the same. I find it funny.
Standard or athleticism and strength? I'd argue that they're different things and agree with you that they can't and shouldn't be compared for that very reason
From what I've seen so far of the present Barnsley team and the England ladies team ...I know who I'd prefer to play i would score though but then again you never know your luck in a raffle...or is it just wishful thinking on my you at my age they'd say I was just a dirty old I'd guess I'm not on my own on that score lol
You could argue they’re different things, but the reality is that it’s all of that combined. No point being faster and fitter than your opposition if you’re useless with the ball. Otherwise Usain Bolt would have made it. We are talking 15 year old kids here as well. Edit - as would have Kiwomya from that famous Chelsea Academy.
It's made me think now. Are there any world-class sportswomen? How good would S Williams be against Men? What level would Katie Taylor be or The other two big fights at the O2 soon?