Asked for a bottle of coke yesterday,young lass didn’t listen gave me bottle of carling,couldn’t be bothered to make a fuss so took it,noticed it was plastic bottle so asked a steward if I could take it to seat ,he went “do what you want I don’t care”,said to our young un ,oh well can’t do no harm ,wil take to seat,had a few swigs next thing ,steward running over wrestling drink out of my hand,” you can’t have beer at your seat,goes “ok will drink it off sorry”,he goes “ no I’m confiscating it”,went “I’m not causing no bother,there’s no one here it’s a friendly” ,anyway took it off me and went “that’s the way easiest for you”,what was going to happen to me,manhandled out of ground ,wrestled to ground?,just took it on chin ,but if you was first time you been and was thinking about starting supporting team how’s it sit ,what kind of training do stewards get ?
Stewarding has been rubbish for years. They usually stand by the gravel track blocking views or stand at top of a gangway making it harder for people to get up and down the stairs.
It's not like cricket or rugby etc. Laws in this country state you cannot drink alcohol in view of the pitch. It's why they close the curtains in the executive boxes. As always, sledge hammer to crack a nut. For all the ones who would be responsible, you have a handful of folk who spoil it for the rest
One young lad near me had a can of pop. Steward explained he couldn't have that in his seat. Young lad took a last swig and politely asked where the bin was. Steward told him. An example to us all!
Whilst I'm not condoning what happened to you, as it was over the top to say the least, what made you think you could drink in your seat? You've never been able to before, and there hasn't been a change in the law regarding drinking in the site of a professional pitch. The security firm has changed this summer too I believe. I heard a few weeks ago that Doyle's weren't doing it any more.
I wonder why stewards aren’t so keen on insisting that 100s of fans standing and usually blocking other peoples view should sit down.
I wonder why the club were selling alcohol at the Crewe friendly and you were allowed to sit and drink alcohol and watch the game? It was on the showcase pitch and not in the stadium, does the law only apply to the stadium?
For goodness sake don't take any KitKat Kubes !!! I had my collar felt and was "escorted" to the concourse where I was advised about my wrongdoing. On another matter re. drinks, a year ago I brought my half time coffee back to my seat and after a few swigs the plastic top flew off making me jump, the coffee flew in the air down the back of the man's head and coat in front. He yelped and I apologised profusely. He wasn't a happy bunny ! A couple of years earlier that coffee would have been scalding hot (they've reduced the temperature of it significantly since) and the chap would have been injured. How do you explain that to the club/stewards/police ? At least with pop or beer it's not going to do you much harm.
Was any explanation given why he couldn’t drink that in his seat? What a stupid situation - is it that you can have a plastic bottle of something soft drink-wise, but not a can? If not, why not?
It’s the dangerous missile potential… at one time plastic bottles had to have the top removed at point of sale but that doesn’t seem to happen now
I once went on a first date to a game, 10 minutes in to the match a steward came over and said “sorry mate but squirrels aren’t allowed” unbelievable!