Sorry mate but if you have to resort to GBN to support your views, then your argument is sunk without trace.
Is it f Fair enough . However, are you not interested in the views of an actual former well regarded SAS soldier . Or is he a far right nut job ? who do you believe, a decorated soldier who has the experience of the subject or some journalist who is likely to be after a career changing scoop ? it's old news that's been brought up again after numerous investigations proved no actual wrong doing
Perhaps in of itself not far-right, I’ll accept. But it is a right-wing propaganda channel, without a shadow of a doubt. The channel preys on bigotry, ignorance, hate & stupidity, in order to peddle its bile. So yeah, when I see a GB News article, I fully expect it to be coming from some right-wing flag-shagging perspective.
He makes some interesting points actually. If there is solid evidence then of course there should be an investigation. I would expect total professionalism from our elite forces/armed forces. It's very easy for people to make comments who have never been in the situations these guys have been in. I await to see what evidence they have.
The BBC had an ex officer on the breakfast show who stood by the allegations, are you saying that he was lying? You say there have been investigations, but by who? There needs to be an independent enquiry to get to the bottom of it once and for all. I have no idea if the allegations are true or not but if they are there's no doubt in my mind that these are war crimes. There seems to be an attitude in the UK that foreign armies do horrible things but our armed forces are squeaky clean. From what I've learned about the British I suspect the truth is somewhat different.
Would you like to remember your quote. "Does it really matter ? Not in my eyes." This guy is not saying that. He's saying they are lies. Totally different. Your comment was the biggest bone of contention. As, if it's true. What the **** does it matter.
That has to be a joke. Given what you said. So if an innocent member of your family is killed based on the allegations. (If they are true, and your quote I'll repeat, infers if true) Does it really matter. I reckon you need a bigger shovel.