Can your dog have a word with mine, dog to dog, because mine's acting as though the temperature is 13 degrees!
Today has brought out the jokes in people. I have seen people saying it's so warm that if Michael Barrymore invited them to a pool party they would go. People have also been speculating that even Prince Andrew has been sweating today.
Was hot today genuinely felt like being in Spain. Worst heat ive had at me is morrocco though. Was like 45. I love the heat but that was bad with no wind or breeze
I have to say I found the BBC Facts check article yesterday re the comparisons with 1975 and 76 heatwaves slightly amusing. Global warming is a fact and they did provide sufficient evidence in that they included a graph showing the clear increase in average temperatures over the last 5 decades, referenced the maximum temperature difference between 75 /76 and this year 35.9 C as opposed to current 40C+ and showed Thermal World maps from NASA June 76 and June 22 showing a huge difference. It is true there is much misinformation by some quarters about 76 trying to use that to say this heatwave is unusual. It is obvious to most people that these events are more frequent and severe. However, in an apparent attempt to defend what, IMHO, has been a gross overreaction by the media, authorities and Govt agencies and the so-called 'snowflake generation', they did mention, but 'glossed over' one very important difference and omitted several others: This heatwave, is set to last over two or three days and impacts only parts of the country. The '76 one lasted for 10 Weeks and the UK saw 15 consecutive days of temperatures above 32C . Add to that the fact that this followed on from the previous year's unusually high temperatures and was also was exacerbated by the unusually low rainfall figures for the winter of 1975-76. These factors led to a State of emergency being declared, water shortages and standpipes . It also affected most of the country whereas this latest one seems be regional with Scotland and the North being less affected. Factors like A/C both in cars and many public buildings in the 1970s being less common than now as, especially in the case of cars, was limited to high end luxury models. The projected deaths from this heatwave bandied around by media are IMO grossly OTT. Surviving two or three days at most, of high temperatures is nothing compared to 2 months of consistently high temperatures with no relief. In '76 the added problem was elderly and infirmed had the added difficulty of getting water from standpipes when the main supply was cut off. So, in summary, there are several factors that made the '76 heatwave and subsequent drought more deadly than this latest one. Simply highlighting maximum temperature differences doesn't even tell half the story. Poor reporting using selective facts and stats to fit their agenda. I suspect not one journalist involved experienced it or was even alive in 1976.
When abroad and maybe in this case. We buy watermelons. Cut it up into triangles. And freeze enough for the next day. Place in a cool bag if going to the beach. They are so refreshing and tasty when eating (partially defrosted). Better than any lollies or ice cream.
May I add that to protect us from the sun, all we had was a knotted hanky and factor 5 sun oil; non of these fancy factor 30 and 50 suncreams.
The North is definitely affected, it's forecast 40 degrees in York. The point about the length of the heatwave is valid, not sure what the "snowflake generation" have to do with anything though.
Well I'm sweating already from the exertion of washing up my breakfast things and tidying a few things away!
My dog didn't get the hot weather memo either. She has spent most of today and yesterday inside her cave bed thing we have for her which has a fluffy lining on it. You'd think it was 3 degrees in our house not 30 odd degrees,