There is a reason for the significant increase in rates of melanoma amongst those that were around and about in 1976...
Daughter works in a Tesco in Wales - their generator went, along with the fridges and freezers on Sunday - her and her colleagues were stuffing their faces with ice-cream that would otherwise be dumped. Yesterday, the generators went again - as did most of the other supermarkets in the area...
Not saying it’s hot, like…but I just threw some flour, eggs and milk in the air and down came a Yorkshire Pudding...
It's a remarkable comment on the current ridiculous culture war that it's considered "left wing" to point out that it's been historically hot this week and "right wing" to say that you're enjoying the nice weather.
Saw trees were blowing in garden, thought ‘great, I’ll nip out for 5 and cool down a bit.’ Bad idea. Like having a giant hairdryer blowing on me. Soon came back inside.
Thanks Brush. In all seriousness for a second, it's an unusually warm summer's day. But if everyone acted sensibly, depending on their circumstances, everyone would be OK. I've been for a 4 mile walk because I'm off work, I like it when it's warm, and I know if I wear a hat and sunscreen and keep hydrated I'll be absolutely fine. More than fine, I'm usually stuck in an office all day, it will have done me good. Others are more sensitive to the heat in which case limit your physical exertion, stay out of the sun and again keep hydrated. And if you really feel like you're getting hot put a damp flannel on your head, take a bath or a shower. I just think the language used should be proportional and rational then people will act rationally. Playing temperature top trumps, ramping up the dangers, getting people hysterical doesn't do anyone any good. It's turned into global warming porn. (I know you weren't doing this). Brits used to be calm and understated and give sensible advice. I miss that.
I think the adjective you were looking for is "uniquely" - at least for now, maybe in a few years time "unusually" will be more appropriate. We're getting off light compared to France and Spain.
Saw this on Facebook and made me chuckle. "As the weather is so hot I asked the Hermes delivery driver if he'd like a bottle of cold water. When he said yes I dropkicked it over a fence into my neighbour's rose bush and told him I'd left it in a designated safe space"
Only did 10.5 mile today(yesterday was cancelled) I did build a bit of a thust up minst & I got one of those Bladder back packs , best £6.99p I've spent
Tragic to see the volume of grass fires. Not just the irony of more carbon going into the atmosphere, the damage to property and potential danger to life but also the devastation to biodiversity at a time where it can seldom afford to be damaged further.
I take your point. While in no way wanting to down play global warming, which should be but isnt top of the agenda of every government in the world, the media are doing their favourite job of sensationalising everything. Every storm has to have a name now. It's not necessary. Just give us a decent weather forecast and tell us what to expect not give each one its own personality. The papers are screaming about snow and big freezes at the hint of a couple of flakes in the Cairngorms. Every full moon is now a supermoon, a red moon, crimson moon, harvest moon, blue moon etc etc. Anyway it's raining here so I'm going to get the inflatable dinghy out just in case.
It’s literally the hottest day we’ve ever had (on record). Of course a big deal is going to be made about it. I never thought I’d feel a day as hot as this in Yorkshire.