On NHS Royal Surrey Hospital headed paper Seems the Cancer ward ( sorry Cancer Surgical and Innovation Centre) needs some refurbishment and new equipment. So this is a begging letter for donations from Surrey residents to "help the Royal Surrey Hospital continue its brilliant work" I'm a bit torn - I do want my local hospitals to be properly equipped - but I cant help feeling that if the Government, of which Mr Hunt is a member, actually funded the NHS properly rather than lining the pockets of their mates with dodgy PPE deals, failed Track and Trace programs etc they wouldn't need to come back to the residents and ask them to pay again so their hospital can treat them properly. Doubtless if this gets the funding from residents it will count towards one of the 40 new Hospitals that Bozo promised and Truss will claim credit for. I wonder if you can give it on the condition you get your money back if running the cancer unit is transferred to a private company,
He should try and find out which UK person who the biggest ever jackpot the other night of 195.7 million pounds on Euromillions. I am sure they would chuck a few quid in the pot.
He should have a word with whoever was Secretary of State for Health from 2012 to 2018 and ask why the funding was not maintained for the NHS. He could then ask what ever happened to the promised £350 million per week that was going to go to the NHS.
The brass neck of them is extraordinary. Personally, I wouldn't donate directly to fund a hospital. I strongly believe that should be from general taxation. And as you touch on, any donations and subsequent benefit would likely be spun for political gain... likely at a point where the tories re-enact austerity and cut NHS budgets in real terms.
He ought to ask his pal Rishi Sunak who spent £250k renovating his £1.5m Richmond house including a swimming pool that’s estimated to cost £13,500 a year to heat
Read it properly now - it seems some of the funding is coming from government and we just need to stump up the rest - but here is what I got Interestingly their mail merge can write in the address but not write my name in the Dear .... field
This is why we pay Tax and NI,to fund the public sector, but one of the prime minister candidates, wishes to reduce this obligation. Whatever happened to the £350 million a week for the NHS,you all voted for in 2016? Any vote for a Conservative candidate is a vote to destroy all that this country built after the second world war.
that aside i recall when it was leaked and then classed a conspiracy theory that they were going to take peoples kids and infected adults out of homes and lock them up like they did in china. crazy to think how close they came to actually trying to do it. The whole idea of this nudge unit as well. A department set up by government to work out ways to get what they want by controlling people. Why has nothing been brought up about this in the uk? They havent gone away so what are they working on now? Climate change and driving the green agenda? Inplementing the rest of the great reset? Doesnt sit easy with me.
The NHS is not a charity, it's a tax funded entity. I believe if the NHS is in need of donations, the government has failed.