Just looking at my profile and I joined in August 2005 which I think wasn't long after this wonderful place came into being. Does anyone know when it all started? Do we fancy an anniversary bash?
I was on it for a little while when I was maybe 11 ish? Can't remember much about it but I'm sure the web address used to be barnsley.co.uk rather than org.uk.
I reckon for it's anniversary the admins of bbs should play the admins of tykesmad and generate a bit of money and donate to charity
I joined in 2005 as Hamburg Tyke, as I was living in Germany at that time. I wasn't a regular and had a long break, then when I tried to log in I found I'd been deleted. I re-registered with a rude (in German) name, but eventually my German wife spotted it and ordered me to change it! I've been Stahlrost ever since. I've enjoyed it all and made loads of new friends, it's been a right laugh. I'd love a 20th anniversary bash!!!
My memory's so rubbish I can't remember if I joined or not, but I definitely started using it to get all the transfer news for the Prem season. Had dial up Internet then, and the computer was in the spare bedroom cos for some reason that had a telephone socket.