Found it. Somebody posted a thread suggesting we go for Joe Lolley of Forest. My reply- Are you mental? He is 29 and never played for Chelsea under13s. I'd suggest you have clearly taken out of context my comment.
It's not really that sensitive, unless you choose to make it so. It's only football and a site for fans to post thereupon. If we sell Helik though, a poster with a name like " dodgey defence" is the first to attract questions like "how did he know"?
You and others appear to think it's OK to ask someone if they are mental? Fine. Then come on here and tell people about their mental problems? What about a bit of sensitivity to others ? If it's OK for YTFC to back you up, then you must know him. Furthermore , in a minute YTBFC will call me a c u n t, call Gally who will ban me by the morning. Deja vu again.
Again. My comment has been taken out of context by you. Like asking someone are you mad or crazy. You obviously dont mean it. As for what else you have posted. Totally lost me. Why have you mentioned two other members who have no relevance to this thread? I dont know either of them.
You can quite readily post our supposedly private posts . Not really had a private convo before. Go on on and post it,. The main post however that I take issue with is"are you mental"? Would you like that post addressed to you? ( I mentioned the other two cos they know they shouldn't have banned free speech. ) And I know the limits. Now.
Jesus, I told my lad yesterday if he did a particular thing again I'd kill him ( I reckon the majority with kids have said this) obviously i wouldn't btw it's just a figure of speach, things are often taken out of context, it happens, it's not the word as such imo but the " Intent", the wife calls me a lunatic on a daily basis, I don't get offended because I know the intent
Dodgey Defence came about in the Darren Moore era, I loved him but a fair few who sat around me thought he was an accident waiting to happen, so Dodgey defence it was. Just a shame I didn't have spell checker at the time.
"Dont pick on him. He has mental health issues" And you're trying to take the moral high ground. Classy.
I'm sorry. I should have written "Don't pick on the one who asks people if they're "mental" when they post."
You started a private communication with me last night. About this. Which was fine, although quite unique for me. And i explained Then you have gone public again. Either to try and make you look right or me wrong. Classy.
Oh come on mate it's clear he didn't mean anything by his comment in the other thread. You're right, it was an unhelpful term for him to use, it can be offensive to some people and can harm attempts to normalise mental health issues too BUT there clearly wasn't any malicious intentions when he said it. He wasn't actually suggesting anyone had mental health issues or were actually 'crazy' or 'mental' when he said it. You found what he said to be distasteful and wrong. That's fine, you're right to do so really, but surely the correct response would be to politely tell him that and explain it in a friendly manner rather than to use it as a means to insult and mock his own mental health. By doing that what exactly have you achieved? You've hurt someone who you acknowledge you believe has mental health problems. You've belittled them publicly and have continued to have a go at them over and other. That isn't a victory. It hasn't done you any good and certainly hasn't done him any good. You're better than this to be honest. Both of you are. And Jack Tatty, you obviously meant nothing by your previous post but making casual comments like 'are you crazy', 'youre mental' etc stigmatises mental illnesses and should be avoided. It's a bit like when as kids (and for many, as adults) mock our mates and call them gay or a puff for doing or liking something a bit feminine. It's meant as a joke but it's something we don't do because we realise it's homophobic even if it isn't intended seriously. Not a criticism of you because I believe there was no bad intentions, just an explanation as to what was 'wrong' with your post. Having said all that I've certainly made comments many times on here and in real life which had no poor intentions but to others could easily be taken as offensive or hurtful. I'm no angel. Likewise I have jumped on many people on here and had a go when it wasn't needed and said things I shouldn't have so I can't exactly act like an angel here. I'm just saying you're both good posters and Barnsley fans, admit it's not your finest (or your worst) hour and agree to move on.