Maybe Ady, thought I'd always been Ade, there was confusion at one point when someone else, taxi driver, was also posting as Ade which was possible in those days.
You're thinking of Ady AKA Guernsey Red and Yankee Tyke referred to by @Loko the Tyke was Tracey from Michigan right?
The ability to put in whatever you wanted as a username every post seems mad now doesn't it. More innocent times!
I remember one poster who shall remain unnamed in their early days of using the BBS using the old yellow chatroom to threaten to meet and hit teenagers including girls outside the post office in Darfield. He claimed to be a big tall bloke who used that to scare and intimidate kids.
I remember when i was at Ardsley Oaks, there was an 'Adi' that used to tag the Stairfoot bridge 'Adi was ere.' The urban legend went round the school that if anyone else tagged that same bridge while Adi's tag was there, Adi would hunt them down. Was it you?
yes, right, all that comes back... also..... I talked to you in the flesh..... a little chat, on a bus back from Crystal Palace... redders got the goal..... Bruce Dyer played well against us and got our interest.. you was loud on a half empty bus... I remember being impressed cos I could never speak up like that....
Can you remember what the twin was called? Young lass who used to post right in the early days. Or what the two sisters who LDRed were in love with were called? I seem to remember one of them writing her car off after rolling it on a muddy road.
Remember kazzy. I never logged on much on tykes mad but i do remember clicking her was something something pottytv. Cant remember my old username. Think it was red something
this is what is in me head.... I went to the prem season match when we won at Crystal Palace. Redders scored the winner, a cracking free kick.... On the supporters bus back there was a bloke talking, real loud, to a few other blokes. I heard him mention the website and I said the I was 'mick in oz' and who was he ? He said he was 'Supertyke'...... since then I have always pictured this bloke when you post... and my memory is steel trap for the early years... right down to Hop Sing being the cook on Bonanza..
I only joined in 2016 when I was in college. Used to log in on the PCs there (once I'd done all my work of course ) I am certainly one of the newer members it seems
I doubt it, I didn't even know where Stairfoot roundabout was in those days. The sum total of my geographical knowledge of Barnsley would've been the bus route between Hoyland and Barnsley. As I don't live there any more it's not much better now!
Isle of Wight tyke did a mock up skit of the bbs in the 1920’s once… wonder if anyone kept the images?
Looked at my profile and was gobsmacked to see I joined almost a decade ago. Came here after the demise of 606 (RIP) but I only started using t'net after the turn of century, before that far too busy having fun in the real world...
Some great memories here. Started reading in about 2004/5 when I was about 12/13, naively thinking I knew more about barnsley and football than all you old gits... how wrong I turned out to be