From my brief experience of it, it is to encourage some of the older members of staff to retire early so they can bring in someone else. When the NHS is short-staffed though as it is I'm not sure how helpful it is. I've only ever known people close to retirement use MARS so I'm not sure if this is a true reflection or not.
Well Helen, in a nutshell it looks to me like the government is making it easier for staff to leave the NHS by way of resignation. If they resign they will receive a severance package under the MARS scheme, where as under normal circumstances, staff probably wouldn't leave because they would receive ziltch.
What I don't understand though TM. is why do they need to this when we are being told that there's thousands of vacancies
Chronic underfunding. "It also gives greater flexibility to organisations in managing cost reductions as they address periods of change in light of the tough financial circumstances in which they operate."
Thank you. That's what I thought when I read it. Maybe to make it easier to get rid of more experienced, expensive staff perhaps?
What it means is that longer serving staff would be on top spines of their pay meaning it’ll cost more in wages so they can bring in more new qualified staff on lower spines for the cost of a top band staff!